I apologize for starting this topic again. But, I still haven't found a answer to help me. So, I'm trying once again.
I'm DPOA for finances and health care for my Aunt.
My Wife is POA for only health care.
It states in the DPOA paperwork that my wife can be DPOA for finances only if something would ever happen to me or if I can't do my duties as DPOA anymore.
Since my wife isn't POA for finances.Can I hire my wife to be my Aunt's caregiver?
I was told that in order for me to be paid for my caregiver services.I must find another family member to be the POA.So,then I can be paid.That also,means I must void my POA and give it to another family member so I can be paid.
Well,there is no other family member to be POA but,me and my wife.So,what do I do about this?
I'm DPOA of finances and health care .My wife is POA for only healthcare.
They say that a POA can't accept a check in their names.In other words my Aunt can't write me out a check because,I'm the DPOA.
I don't write checks using my Aunts checkbook.My Aunt is the only one that writes her own checks.All I do as her DPOA is cash a check for her or get money out of the bank for her spending money.
Can my Aunt write a check to my wife?
Can I as my Aunt's DPOA over finances and health care hire my wife to be my Aunt's caregiver?
Can my Aunt hire my wife to be her caregiver and pay my wife?