
She is mentally capable of knowing what she is doing,but she is unable to write. I need to have stocks and life insurance policy legally signed over to me.

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You and your mother will need to visit her attorney and she will need to agree to a full power of attorney, granting you permission to make changes to whatever she desires you to have access to.
Be careful in doing this if there are other family members, i.e., siblings. This could become quite a nasty situation unless they are in agreement with you doing such, as they may feel that it is unfair. They may contest her will when she passes if they are not receiving equal shares of your mothers estate.
Best of luck,
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I'm assuming that your mom had a stockbroker do this, even if it was a long time ago, the brokerage is still out there but may have been folded into another wire house so is not under that name. So look to see who the firm was initially.

Make an appointment with the brokerage house to do the stock transfer and create your portfolio, be sure to take all the legal (originals with notary work) and your mom to the appointment. You should make sure the broker holds a series 7 imho. It will take a bit of time and it's likely that a compliance person (this is usually a regional position, so that's why you want to set up an appointment, so compliance can be there) will want to speak with your mom without whomever (you) is the "about to be new owner of the stocks" is not in the room. So you might want to think about having some else in the family or a close friend of your mom's go with you so they can assist her if need be.

You want to do this soon before all the regular clients have end of the tax year needs. You might be able to convert out the insurance if it's whole with a cash value and they could convert the assets into the new portfolio you are creating. Again these things take time and you want to do this now (November) so that it's all done within this tax year. Good luck.
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Do I just send a copy of the POA to the insurance company stating these are my instructions?
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I thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. It is a very small amount of stock , but, I wasn't quite sure how to get it in my name.
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