
Now they tell me she is fighting an e.coli infection. They have her on a stronger antibiotic - a shot for 7 days - told me she could have gotten this from herself not being cleaned (she wears briefs and they suggested he poop may have migrated to her urethra and that is how the infection started). no on else is sick, so I don't think it's a food-borne illness. what should I do? she is very sleepy, eats very little, they have her on a IV for fluids.

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Go see your doctor again tell him she no better or go to er never second guess a health proulm death comes fast to the weak
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If she is too weak to eat or drink much, you can use an eye dropper and a baby medicine syringe (at Kroger pharmacy) to give water and pureed foods. The baby food section has much more now in those squeeze-packets, that taste good and have vegetables, meats, along with the fruits and applesauces.
Sorry I didn't take in your whole post before.
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Suggestion: There can be a breakdown in the colon wall that lets fecal matter actually come out the vagina. If this happens, UTI's are recurrent, and then of course, e.coli gets to right there by the urethra. Get her to lie down so you can roll her on her side, clean her, and check the vagina. Suggestion 2: feed beneficial yeasts (saccharomyces) and probiotics. Suggestion 3: CranActin really works well to heal and prevent UTIs, it make the bladder slick so the bacteria can't stick to the lining. Apple cider vinegar in the water, with honey, is good too. Also -- sometimes they don't "empty" completely, especially if they are going in their depends. Prolapse of the organs puts strain on the pelvic floor muscles when they sit on a toilet. See if you can persuade her to lie down and completely relax, drink lots of distilled water, and vinegar-honey water, or lemon water, and just pee in the depends, in a half-reclining position, to get the bladder completely emptied. Reminder: coffee and pop irritate the bladder lining.
Good Luck!
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