
She was transferred to a nursing home on January 8, she went from a 40% decline to now in nursing home 95% really really dramatically gone down hill. I met with the nursing home because she wasn’t progressing so they are discharging her on Monday the 27th . The nursing home where she’s at said they don’t have a bed available so she will be moved yet again. My grandma's health is going down hill. My question is can I do anything to convince them to not move her again? She’s not doing well at all sleeping all the time.

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Did u tell them that there is no one to care for her? They have to discharge her to a safe place. Does she have a PCP. Get him involved. Call your state Ombudsman. NH should have the number. If not its under State government in the phone book or online.
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I’m so sorry this is happening. Please speak to her doctor. He may be able to intervene. Also, talk to her social worker.
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