
My mother constantly asks about my daughter, her only grandchild, who is away at grad school. My mom thinks she still lives at home. I thought maybe including pictures of where my daughter is and notes of what she’s doing would help my mom. But I may be grasping at straws...

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7 Tips for Enjoying Family Photos With a Person Who has Dementia
This article helped me to set up a photo album and use it with my loved one. Because of the way it was set up the caregiver was able to use the photo album as well.
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I did not as my mother was legally blind.
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My mother has Alzheimer's and I made her a photo album of about 400 pictures from her own collection. I put them in order starting with her and my father, then my older brother and his kids and grandkids, then me and my family. Ending with pics of her and my father's friends. I put them in their slips and bought long address labels and typed in the name of the person(s) in the pic and how they were related to her. Example: Jake, Jimmy's grandson by Alice. He is your Great Grandson. 
Mom is in late stages now but every once in a while she is alert enough to enjoy the book. 
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Not just for dementia patients! My mom's brother was in the hospital for several months as he was failing, and I found mom's old photo album from their childhood, and copied pictures that I thought my uncle would appreciate and probably hadn't seen before. There were a few of his mom who had passed away when he was 5 years old, which he really appreciated. I didn't have too many chances to go see him; I work full time and he was in a hospital about 75 miles away. His daughter told me that he would go over those pictures by the hour. He was pretty clear-minded, except when his strength failed. I also brought the album with me when I was visiting mom's sister not long before this. (She and the brother died within weeks of each other.) She identified quite a few of them, but some were too far back for her (mom was the oldest, these were the youngest brother and sister of 6.) . I should have done this when the older brother was still alive!
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I went to a seminar on care giving and the two things they highly recommended were music and photos. I THINK IT'S A GREAT IDEA.
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I think it's worth a try, but understand she might not recognize the pictures. One of the first times I saw decline was with a picture of my cousin (dark skin, dark hair, dark eyes) Grandma was certain that little girl was my sister who is a very pale red head. She insisted my sister was "dark like me", she said, and could not be convinced otherwise (I didn't know not to argue with their delusions yet). I would try it, but be prepared if it fails to help.
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Well, it's a nice idea, and it makes the giver feel like they're doing something useful. Why not? It's a fun thing a lot of people like to do. I don't think it would help at ALL with grasping the fact that her granddaughter is grown and away at school. Dementia always gets worse. But, it can't hurt to put together an album or something.
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When my mom was well into Alzheimer's she kept reliving the past. I pulled out all her photos (there were boxes) and we started going through them. She absolutely loved it and could remember with detail what happened in most of those photos. It took us weeks to go through them and she was so grateful. It also helped me and I'm so thankful I had that time with her before her passing.
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Each year as a Christmas present I made a personalized wall calendar for my Mom and my aunt, who were in their 80s and 90s. My mom had dementia. My aunt's memory was sharper than mine. They both loved the calendars.

Some years would have pictures of my husband, kids, and myself, with as many of my mom and aunt also in those photos. Other years it would be pictures of my mother and aunt with their siblings, in their youth and in old age. Other years might be 13 pictures (one for each month, and one for the cover) of a loved one's wedding.

It was an inexpensive gift (under $20.00) that they each treasured, and I had fun picking out the pictures each year.

Best wishes.
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I have created several photo books for my parents and they are always a big hit. Its nice to have something to look at with them as well when I go visit them. Walgreens photo allows you to create a book online.. can even put captions on photos. I would highly recommend for gifts for loved ones with dementia.

Also.. they are reprint able if they are lost or damaged.
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I took one of those digital photo frames filled with family photo's into rehab when my mom was there after her stroke. Many of the family photo's were from a family reunion several years ago so the grandchildren are younger in them (more updated ones of my son) but she loved having family around all the time. They would even move the frame so it was next to her when they moved her from the bed to the chair and the therapist used the photo's to help her get words out too. Once she got home she didn't want it around anymore for some reason but I do think it helped with her memory rehab as well. Each photo, some more than others would begin a conversation about that grandchild or what they were doing and I found early on that she often asked about the same photo's, then she would encourage me to tell the nurse or whomever it was about that photo and later she tried to tell the story. I'm not sure if there were (and maybe are) times she didn't recognize someone or perhaps knew there was a story or something to sat but couldn't remember exactly what it was but if so I think it was probably similar to what we find now when we drive somewhere, there are certain changes she always sees for the first time, a building or corner where something else used to be or something cleaned up that used to be run down and it's always a pleasant surprise or observation, kind of like watching a child open the same present over and over again if that makes any sense. Mom's memory isn't that bad yet but we see it happening and I think it's accentuated by her speech issues. I think sometimes it's not really that she's realizing or seeing something for the first time it's just that her reaction and words are stuck in the same place, it's what comes out naturally and rather than correct herself she goes with it and then so do we now. But back to the subject the photo frame and now old photo's she finds around the house are wonderful for her and I would encourage you to give that a try. Even if it just gives you something to talk about together as their short term memory get's worse it's comforting to be in a time they do remember.
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wow. it doesn't get any better than the experience 'kikirun' has enabled for her parents :)
our mom is in whatever stage of dementia that makes her not want to do anything like look at the pictures i have assembled for her... this extends to activities as well - she just complains and states 'there's nothing to do here' or 'i don't like any of those activities' or, re chair exercises 'that's not exercise!' ornery, blaming, accusing...recently shocked me saying 'oh, yes i'll do that [singing group] then 'i changed my mind' and a very stubborn one it is.
a bit off topic, the above, but this forum is wonderful for gaining insight and support - or - for venting a bit! lol
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I have albums and found boxes of pictures mom and dad saved. Mom is now in memory care a nd dad in assisted living. Some days I take a box of photos and we look at them one at a time. She does not remember all, but find great joy when she does. She smiles and for a while she was a ble to talk more about those good memories. She has fronto-temporal dementia, so speech is increasingly difficult. I left an album from my dad's 80th birthday party and they both love going thru that and pointing out people they remember. Dad has Alzheimer's, so he remembers less than mom right now - but when I show him pics with he and mom he is amazed at what a party we had. He is 93 now and he will talk about those great pics for a good hour. We also listen to old music together. I highly recommend a show on Netflix frtom PBS called Alive Inside. My dad was never a singer or dancer when i was growing up, but now when he and mom sing and she wants to dance in the room to the music, they look like they are young lovers again. Dad gets upset when mom can't talk to him and he does not understand why. He is very happy when she sings to him and wants to hold his hand or dance to the music with him. I thinks the music and pics improve quality of life, but realize they do not have the organizational skills to look at the pics alone or pick out music. But, it is something you or friends and family can do to create better memories for you too. We don't want to see our parents suffer or be listless. Making joyful times with pics and music makes priceless memories for me and other family members when we record or put on Facetime video with family at the same time. We can laugh together again.
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A few years ago, my sister made a very nice large wall collage crammed full of family and friend pictures of everyone at all ages, even pictures of pets, cut in all sizes and pasted artfully, and it hangs now above her NH bed. No matter how we've all tried to get her to focus on any of the pictures, she just won't. I'm not sure when she lost interest or the ability to connect the dots, but it's gone. She cares nothing for TV and won't even look at it. She grins but doesn't "get" pictures taken and shown to her on phones. Her last real vision test was in 2014, and the eye doc (surgeon who did her cataract surgeries) just flatly dismissed us. I put earphones on her and play a CD for her a few times a week of church choir music, and she connects sometimes with that and can sing along in Latin. Sound does affect her, and she responds to that. She talks and eats fine yet but is truly into her own world, usually talking to herself even when I'm talking to her.  She was diagnosed in 2008.
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Awesome idea! I made some for my grandparents. About four different ones, some old some current. I put the names of everyone with the computer program and printed them out
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Also consider playing music from her youth when you visit her. If you have a cell phone with a YouTube app, you can search for a video that has a collection of such songs. My dear sister-in-law did that when she was visiting my dying father. Minutes before he passed away, he was singing to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.
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Yes! I created a memory book with her grandchildren and labeled with names. I also created a memory game using pictures of the grandchildren and also the flowers she likes. She helped creating the memory game and she enjoyed that quite a bit.
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I used to show my MIL her old photo albums but she only recognized herself at a younger age and a few others. It mostly just agitated her as she would then ask where everyone was. After a while she recognized no one. It may work for you though.
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Very useful for prompting memories of family, friend and important life events. Had pictures enlarged to A4 and captions so that not just family and friends but also staff could use to talk with mum. Naturally sitting and going through the pictures was excellent at the time but did not improve memory. Very worthwhile.
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I made a photo book for my mom after she had a stroke and was having tremendous trouble speaking. The therapists at her rehab were using books with pictures of things like trees, telephone, teacup, which she would try to say. I made her a book with photographs of family and friends with labels underneath. It made her happy to see these pictures when she was in rehab, but I think the benefit was mostly that it made feel like I was doing something useful.
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clnolin, your Mom might not realize that time has marched on, like geewiz had mentioned.

Oh how I wished I would have found my parent's photo albums and boxes of loose photos back when they were still alive. I have so many photos of people I have no clue who they are. Thus, I was thinking, clnolin, if your Mom's memory is back decades ago, maybe she can help fill in the blanks of any old photos you might have. You can try with a couple of photos, and if Mom doesn't remember, then don't attempt to try it any more.

Another thing I wished I would have done now that I am building a family tree, was to ask my Mom the names of her grandparents as I just can't find anything on Ancestry or in any old notes. Grab that information now in case you, or your daughter want to do a family tree.
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The memory facility where my Mom was had one of those picture boxes outside each room where the family set up photos in a collage type thing. I had my Mom/Dad's wedding photo along with a few others that included all of the kids/spouses and grandkids.

At one point she asked who was that man was in the photo next to her "all dressed up". In hindsight, I think she would have grasped everyone at younger ages because that was where her mind was.

Dementia, sends the mind into loops. She probably thinks of your daughter as a child. You can just say she is in school and let it go at that.  But a few photos to look at from time to time is fine.  Just don't set yourself up for disappointment -  She still may not know who is who.  
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