
My father is in a care facility. He has been there 4 months. He complains about the food all the time and is now refusing to eat which is causing weight loss. I have eaten in the dining hall before when I visited in my option, the food is not bad. He wants food he is not supposed to have such as greasy, fatty foods. His nurse says he has also become obsessed with his weight but refuses snacks and etc. when they offer it. But he will eat snacks brought by me or his friends. My concern is the weight loss. He even told me that they told him that he might have to have a feeding tube. I checked with two of his nurses and they said they have not told him this.

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Ignore it . They all complain about the food . He will eat when he’s hungry . This hunger strike is his latest way to get your attention . Don’t discuss it with him . Leave snacks in his room on your way out . If he continues to lose weight they can try to give him an appetite stimulant or add/change an antidepressant that is also an appetite stimulant . His lie about a feeding tube is him trying to make you worry and bring him food everyday .

I think he is doing this on purpose to make you worry . He is a mentally ill abusive man . Don’t even get involved . If he wants to starve himself , let him . I have no patience for abusive manipulative people like your father . It’s his life , if he wants to starve , so be it .
Also alot of elderly slowly give up and don’t eat . Everyone leaves this world somehow . Either way it’s his choice to not eat.

My mother in her elder years also became the fast food queen . I brought it once a week . She got used to the food at AL , stopped complaining about it . Then as time went on , she admitted to not being very hungry anymore anyway, which is common as they get older .
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to waytomisery
faithfulbeauty Sep 26, 2024
I agree. I think he tries to get me worried which is awful. He has also said multiple times that he doesn’t feel well. He is on an appetite supplement and the nurse said they were going to increase it.
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Hi faithbeauty, it sounds to me like food is the only thing he has left to control.

This is what eating disorders are all about, not about being thin, or looking good. It's about control. When my life is out of control I , control the only thing I have left and that's food. Sence joining this forum I will say , I've gotten my control back and gained some weight. Which is why I joined because my old habits of not eating where coming back. Your dad is not in control of his life anymore, so he is controlling the only thing he has left.

At 79 years old please talk to others on this forum about feeding tubes, from everything I here they are horrendous.

I will also say that , not eating will very likely be my way out of this world, and I hope those around me accept that.

Also Alva often says that older people need little nutrients to keep them going for an extended period of time.

I'm wondering, have you tried eating meals with him. Sometimes that helps. Not that you should feel like you have to be there at every meal , just wondering if he eats better when your there. It makes it more automatic and less thinking about the food.

Have they tried any meds? An anti anxiety med or a appetite booster?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Anxietynacy
Anxietynacy Sep 26, 2024
I want to add, when someone is not eating give them anything they will eat. If he only wants greasy foods. Let him have them.
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Old people love to complain, and the food is the easiest target.

Ignore it.

Maybe stop bringing him snacks so he doesn’t fill up on those. Remember elder = toddler. Just like a two year old he won’t eat his meal if he fills up on something else.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to ZippyZee

I am afraid this is just part of your Dad's overall reactions to aging, Faithful. It likely brings him the attention he craves.
It is true that the elderly eat less and sleep more, but Dad's obsession is likely more a part of his general aging and his reactions to being in care.
You know Dad, it's always SOMEthing.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer
faithfulbeauty Sep 26, 2024
@AlvaDeer ,I agree.
"He even told me that they told him that he might have to have a feeding tube. I checked with two of his nurses and they said they have not told him this."

Here's dad's attempt # 1,531 to snooker you into taking him home with you. By refusing to eat. So be it, dad. If you choose to starve yourself (totally doubtful), then there's nothing I can do to force you to eat.

I'd continue bringing him snacks, as usual, then ignore the blatant manipulation techniques.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to lealonnie1
faithfulbeauty Sep 28, 2024
Now he says he is eating again. As I said on an earlier reply, I have to let it go before I have a stroke or heart attack because he is never satisfied.
Will he drink Ensure or Boost? My uncle resisted food at first and the aides would put an Ensure Plus in a Milkshake looking cup with straw and give him a "shake". He would have one with every meal and put on weight and got nourishment. Good luck!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AMZebbC
faithfulbeauty Sep 26, 2024
He use to drink Ensure and Boost but now he does not want it either. He says it upsets his stomach.
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