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Do a search. There seems to be a correlation.

Does ur daughter still use an IUD. I stopped using the pill at 35 and had my tubes tied. At that time using it past 35 was not recommended.

Your daughter is approaching Menopause too. Hormones are all over. Did they do Labs where her Tyroid was checked? That can do a number on the body. I would think they would check out a physical problem first. MRI. 50 is so young.
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Does she use the Mirena IUD, by chance? If so, check out this lawsuit claiming it DOES cause memory loss/neurological disorders and all sorts of other things:
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I can’t imagine why an IUD would cause memory issues but I am not a nurse or doctor.

Does your daughter suspect this or are these solely your feelings? I suppose that you could ask health professionals about your concerns.

Personally, I wouldn’t even discuss any concerns with my daughter because I don’t pry. I wait for my daughters to discuss issues with me, but your relationship with your daughter is your business. Maybe she can put your mind at ease if she doesn’t mind having a discussion about a personal health issue.
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