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Yes, I was reported for exploitation by my two twisted sisters. One twisted, by the way, had POA's for mom so knew nothing of the sort was going on. It was a fraudulent report which is now punishable by law.

There was an investigation, which I welcomed, because maybe finally the accusations would end. After the initial APS visit we did not hear back from them for about three months. I finally chose to follow up myself and the investigator came back out to the house. The case was closed without any finding to warrant the report in the first place. In fact, the investigator told us it was nothing other than vindictiveness and spite that twisteds had done this. Then went on to tell me what a great job I was doing.

I did not try to hide anything, course there was nothing to hide. I welcomed the investigation with hopes that twisteds behavior would stop. Nope, it did not. They did not believe APS, so they persisted, eventually we ended up in probate court. Mom had a guardian and conservator appointed that audited mom's accounts, at a hefty fee, and a guardian that would check in with us on a weekly basis regarding the care received. Neither of them found anything amiss either. Twisteds still did not believe what the pros told them.

All I could do is control my reaction to any of this. And I actually looked forward to being vindicated, which I was in court. What twisteds still think because they refuse to believe the outcome, is their problem and not a thing I can do about it.

SAD isn't it?
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Yes, I have and they haven’t done one thing to help my family. My dad has had four reports on him yet they do nothing.
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Yes, have been there too. They really don't do anything. His situation was reported several times and they just came to the house and did an inspection, told me to try for guardianship, and that's where things were left. I have guardianship now and haven't seen them since. That was months ago.
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I have. The individual social workers were helpful to me, providing me with ideas and resources that I wasn't previously aware of. They only want to make sure adults are ok, and not being abused or taken advantage of.
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Yes, I have and they came in and gave my Dad a competency test w/o asking family members or anything and it was my Stepmother who was the one with the Alzheimer. It was Dekalb County Ga who came in and gave him the test. He did not do so well because my Stepmother with Alzheimer was screaming all night long and the poor caregivers who my Stepmother brother,Daniel Lanahan, hired made my Dad get up and deal with her (he later past away because of this). But after the test they said that my Dad should leave his house (which was only in his name) and move to an assist living while my Stepmother stayed at the house. Why they did not insist that my Stepmother go to a nursing home is beyond me. But I blame Dekalb County, Ga for not sending my Stepmother to a nursing home and causing my Dad death. She was screaming all night and keeping all the neighbors up and disturbing the peace and police were coming out and everything and that nut of a Adult Protective Service lady wanted my Dad to leave. Are you kidding? Like that was going to stop all the screaming and not keep the neighbors up with him gone. Well, he died, which I think the caregiver did it in the bathroom. He was like thrown on the ground. The company is Amicasa caregivers of Decatur, Ga. So watch out for them. We tried and tried to change the caregiver but her brother refused it. He may have been getting a kickback from the company because he does startup companies and they started about time stepmom was diagnosed. Another illegal thing. We are waiting to see how the inheritance comes out too because if her brother gets her inheritance then he had a reason to kill my Dad. So just watch out for step mothers/father. I've heard all sorts of inheritance stories problems when they are involved. Besides calling Adult Protection on my Dad ,he also called the Dekalb police on him and we were eating a steak dinner when the police came in and told us that they were watching us. So something bully like that make you think that her brother is up to something. I've got a line of attorneys that can't wait to get a hold of him too if he decides to change the Will.
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