
I am at wits end. My FIL has been living with me for 5 years. He is a hoarder. It took me 2+year to clean out and sell his home and cost me around 20k. He lives with me complains and doesn’t eat. He spends at least $1k a month on himself with means more junk in my house and doesn’t even pay for his food much less any other expenses in our home. I suffer so he can waste.

He won’t let us have our privacy even in so much as closing his door so we don’t have to hear his super loud tv as he is has bad hearing. Sometimes it feels like I am in a concentration camp with multiple loud sounds to make me crazy. I can’t even relax in my own home. I am committed to his care. Cleaning, feeding and housing him. I work full time (actually about 50hr/wk) But it’s always about him. I just want my entire family to have a vacation to look forward to but we can’t.

My 16yr old lost his childhood when my FIL moved in as he is used by my husband for care for his father as well. I am at wits end. I feel so used by a man that has the means to help out financially here (big time) but won’t and is constantly complaining and actingly like he has some sort of right to run this house hold (into the ground) we are all so depressed we are about to fail. My first post...anybody help by at least empathizing?

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" I am committed to his care. Cleaning, feeding and housing him. I work full time (actually about 50hr/wk)" Why are you committed to his care? Was this your idea or your husband's? I hope your husband is doing the hands-on care for FIL -- after all, he's HIS father.

I feel sorry for your son. When I was growing up, my grandmother lived with us briefly (probable Alzheimer's), until she had to be put in a nursing home. I don't remember those few months fondly at all. It was totally disruptive to our family.

How did you and your H get stuck with FIL's care? Does he have other siblings? If so, and there is the usual, "Oh, we can't put Papa in a facility!!!" outcry, then it's time for one of those sibs to step up and take FIL off your hands.
Helpful Answer (10)
JoAnn29 Aug 2018
Her profile says she told deceased MIL she would take care of things.
He "doesn’t even pay for his food much less any other expenses in our home"

Nuh uh, no way - that has got to stop. Everyone pays their own way in this life and he should too, there is no way you should be giving him a free ride at your own expense. There is a difference between offering compassion and care and allowing yourself and your family to be his doormat, this arrangement needs to be renegotiated ASAP.
Helpful Answer (11)

Venting here is fine. That’s what this forum is for. However, we can’t stand up to your husband and father-in-law for you. If you want things to change, you will have to stand up for yourself to both of them.

First, this is your home, right? Did FIL pitch in money to buy this house? Is your name on the deed? If so, FIL does not respect your privacy so that absolves you from respecting his. Hoarding is not only expensive, it’s unsanitary and dangerous. Any part of his “hoard” that has leaked out of his room into the rest of your house has to go. Throw it out or donate it. I would say clean his room as well, but small steps. Anything he orders from now on goes back. Refuse delivery.

He must stop freeloading. I would even go so far as putting locks on the frig and cupboards. It would certainly get your point across. From now on, he pays 1/3 of the household expenses. If you don’t already have a separate account for your own, personal finances, open one now. As long as FIL freeloads, you make no contribution to the family finances.

Finally and most importantly, if your husband is one of those who’s about to implode, speak very frankly with him. Get some brochures from facilities and tell them this is it. Tell your son, if he’s not already, to join clubs at school, sports, whatever. He needs to be unavailable. Stand up to husband on his behalf and tell husband your son is no longer going to be an uncompensated home healthcare worker. If husband says he foots the bill for your son, remind him he’s also footing the bill for Pops and his dad does nothing.

This is truly a situation where you need to put on your Big Girl Panties and speak up. Things change or Dad goes to a facility, or if he’s competent, Independent Living.

Good luck. Let us know how it works out.
Helpful Answer (9)

I most definitely Empathize with you, as my FIL came to live with us at the age of 74, after his wife passed away, because he was terrified to live on his own, but he always did pay his own way.

Having him here for 13 years until he passed away at age 87 put an incredible amount of stress and pressure on our living situation, as as he aged and became more frail (and a fall risk), he became even more dependant upon us, to the point where we were unable to let him stay home alone, which caused us to become near shut-ins, right there beside him.

My FIL was also a Narcissist, and our lives became All About Him. He had an elevated sense of self, and tried everything possible to rule us through (FOG) FEAR, OBLIGATION AND GUILT. "You can't leave me her alone, what if I fall", "who will cook my dinner, I'll starve", "you PROMISED you would Never put me in a home", I'm going to leave you All This money, so you Have to take care of me", "look at all I've done for you, you Have to take care of me", and the ever present I'll Never go to a Nursing home, they are Horrible places", So we were stuck with him, all by ourselves as his other 2 adult children refused all and any help whatsoever, and now I understand why. He was Difficult their whole lives!

In the last year of his life, when my husband and I were at our wits end, we convinced him that him being here was taking it's toll on our lives, our health and our marriage, so we placed him into an Assisted living facility, just around the corner from our house. It Worked out pretty well for me, but it definitely was still a lot of work for my husband, who visited him every day (old brainwashing goes deep), and took care of his every need. 12 weeks in, he fell and laid on the floor overnight until he was found the next day by my husband, he was transported to the hospital where they diagnosed him with Pneumonia, and upon further tests and investigation they found a mass in his lung, suspected Cancer, which had metastasized to his rib bones. Upon release from the hospital, it was decided he would return to our home on Hospice care, where he passed 9 weeks later.

We made very big mistakes from the get go, he Never should have been allowed to come live with us from the start. We would have better served him (and us) had we set him up in an Apartment near our home, let him Learn to be self sufficient, but he begged us for Years prior to losing his wife, again, all part of being a Narcissist.

I wish I had known then, what I know now, as I did care about him, but I just wish we hadn't given up so many years of our lives and set boundaries from the start.

Please, learn from our mistakes, find out all you can about alternative Senior Living Apartments, Assisted living, Board and Care homes, and follow through getting him set up in one. Your Lives, Your Marriage depends on it!
Helpful Answer (7)
bigsun Sep 2018
Great. I'm not making mistake s
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A lot of us empathize with you - many of us have been in some version of your situation. I think many of us want the parent or in-law that moves into our home to be "welcomed" and don't look into what we want/need as a future sustainable state before or at the time of the move. We back into these situations where the elder is dominating our home. I compliment you on still being commited to your FIL's care despite your less than wonderful experiences.

The dynamic of your household needs to change. That's hard to do after things have run along a different path for several years but it is doable. Painful but doable. When you start turning things around, the household tension level may get worse before it gets better. You do not list dementia as one of your FIL's problems so I'm going to assume FIL is capable of changing his behavior.

First, your FIL needs to join the household as a member and stop being a guest. Guests don't share household expenses but members do. If he's 1/4 of the household then he needs to be paying at least 1/4 of the household expenses. As a member of your and your husband's household, your FIL needs to understand that his _requests_ will be considered, but he (like your son) is a non-voting household member.

Second, as a member of the household, FIL needs to confine his things to his room while retaining enough space within that room for himself and others to safely maneuver. When he fails to do that, you or your husband will choose and discard as needed to return his room to the desired state.

Third, maybe you need to look for some compromises that would accommodate your FIL's needs while still making things tolerable for the family. A hearing amplifier that sits on a nearby table or hangs around the neck with ear buds allows the hearing impaired to hear without high sound levels. Maybe a wireless intercom system would make FIL feel he would be heard if he needed help and more willing to close the door.

I hope your son didn't really lose his childhood caring for his grandfather. I don't think helping his grandfather like a child would be expected to help any other member of the household is harmful. I occasionally expect/require older siblings to help or take younger siblings to the bathroom, put on a movie for them, fix a sippy cup, etc.. If your son didn't attend his events or couldn't invite his friends over because of your FIL's presence, then that's regrettable and he probably did lose at least some of his childhood.

I get a feeling from your post that finances are tighter than is comfortable right now and that the financial stress might be making other stresses/issues more irritating. Hopefully if you can taking the first step above will help resolve the financial aspects.
Helpful Answer (8)

I’m with you, sister. I feel as if I am being held hostage by this mean old man. He was never a warm/fuzzy/happy guy, but I didn’t know it because the inlaws did not live nearby until recently. Now they have moved in with us. We recognize too that FIL is going down the Alzheimer’s road. But he refuses dr, won’t do anything but sit and watch tv and complain either about how the country is going to heck or how we need to eat more vitamin c and then leave the fruit to rot.

Smh, I am about ready to call adult protective services because he browbeats MIL when they are alone.

Hopefully this group can help you and me and others in our position to cope.

Bless your heart
Helpful Answer (3)

This is always so hard and confusing because there is love involved. If a facility is out of the question perhaps you could at least obtain respite care. I always recommend getting help from local professionals who do not have “a heart in the game” and can give you objective advice and support. This may come from your Area Agency on Aging. AARP may also be a good place to research resources in your area. Let yourself off the hook at least a little. There is much more than FILs happiness at stake here, including your family’s and your own well-being. Sending you good thoughts for strength and courage.
Helpful Answer (4)

I wholeheartedly agree with Nteckie on all points.
im caregiver to my mom who has severe dementia. It’s been 7.5 yearsof a tough road.
Beyond recommendations already noted; seek out a local senior center he can hang out at a few hours a day on weekdays. Doesn’t sound as if he has dementia so he might not belong at a daycare. He needs to get out of the house and socialize so you can keep your sanity. Hugs you find solutions!!
Helpful Answer (4)

My MIL moved in with us 5 months ago. She is 88 and slightly demented. However, my husband handles any expenses, and takes out money from her account for food, etc., per her request.
We are all still adjusting, but we laid down the law early. OUR HOUSE, OUR RULES.
I almost kicked her out once, due to too much arguing with my husband. We even looked for a place with her.
Since then, she has settled down.
You and your husband need to be a united front!
Good luck, God bless
Helpful Answer (5)

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I am experiencing the same OCD hoarder grumpy selfish old man syndrome. We have lived & suffered in their house for 2.5 years; they are both 92, FIL OCD mean, MIL in hospice at home, mean also plus she is a narcissist...another story:) I’m so sorry for you, five years is way too long especially with a 16 year old. I get the same awful demands, angry looks, huffing and puffing, stare downs and horrible demeaning comments.
When we sold our house in San Diego to move to Tucson to care for them we both had such a great attitude...LOL! Not anymore- I am emotionally drained/ exahausted and completely burned out from the emotionally abusive cruel behavior!
FIL- Just the sound of his voice-makes my body react with the ‘startle response’, gives me anxiety and panic attacks!
OCD FIL wants EVERYTHING for MIL, and I mean everything, at all expenses to us! She cannot walk or stand at all, cannot dress, groom, wipe her bottom or bathe herself... sometimes she wants us to feed her!
FIL has obsessive thoughts and now wants ME to perform his weird exact daily compulsions and rituals since he can no longer do them. Mmmmm...maybe he just enjoys bossing me around??❤️
It’s not good enough that I make a nice dinner every single night- he angrily checks his watch showing visible anger (they both do this) that dinner is not ready @ exactly 5:00 pm! Yuk, not a healthy way to live. I am empathetic and understand your worries and major life style changes because I live the same:)
Helpful Answer (4)
disgustedtoo Sep 2018
If I was making dinner for these ungrateful people and they had the gall to complain either about the food, the temperature, time it is ready or ANYTHING else, I'd announce that I am going on strike! Make what YOU like when YOU want it, I'm done!
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D I V O R C E. It's either you or your FIL.
Helpful Answer (4)

Bottom line, you have ONE life.
You don’t get a “do-over”.

I have been in similar situation, caring for my own mother (16 years). My husband and I are captives to her care. Have not had a vacation in 4 years. Have a pop-up camper but no opportunities for weekend getaways. Siblings who will not share with care. My guilt is that this choice of mine, and it IS A CHOICE, changes life for my husband also.

Someday soon I will be too old myself for taking a nature hike. I will have given my life away.

Start by contacting your county Council on Aging, or whatever it’s called where you live. They will help find alternatives. Then DO IT. Get him out.

Remember, no “do-overs”. This is your life.
Helpful Answer (7)
disgustedtoo Sep 2018
Maybe use those same resources to find respite care for your mother and take a long overdue and well deserved vacation.

As you yourself said, you only have one go-round, no do-overs... a long weekend, a week, even two, go for it!!!!! You might like it so much that you get a do-over on that... ;-)
Get.him.out. My son lost his childhood to my narcissistic father's incessant
demands. I'm now cashing out my retirement paying for health costs due
to damage incurred during his care. My son is furious. His other friend's grandparents are warm and loving to them. His narcissistic grandfather is
warm and loving too, but only to strangers My father only speaks to my son to ask him to do chores.

If getting him out seems too drastic, please take the other's advice. Lay down
the law, and make him contribute. I too scrimped and did without. And all
that did is encourage my father and his hanger's on to just assume more
money in the pie for them.

The kicker was when my husband died my father assumed I would lavish the
insurance money on him. Despite the fact he has enough to take care of all
his expenses. I truly think he was hoping to use all of my funds and keep his
intact to snag a young babe (he made some comments to that effect) . He's well into his 90's.

Narcissists will use you until there is nothing left. Your situation completely sucks now. Imagine though, unless you do something, it is only a warm up
for much worse to come.

My health is broken due to many many years of care giving and unremitting stress. And my experience is quite common. Simply put, your FIL is using your money and home to benefit himself. Your suffering is meaningless to him. Only you can protect yourself and your son. I very much hope your husband can see the light before it's too late. You could end up unable to work, with serious health care expenses and an unfunded retirement taking care of your FIL's expenses and needs. Please take heed of all the poster's here and our
concerns. Protect yourself.
Helpful Answer (11)
bigsun Sep 2018
Thank you. Your dad and mine could have been separated twins
See 1 more reply
Sorry to hear what is going on with your family and your FIL. You may be able to get some help through respite care. My FIL was on Hospice and they paid for respite care for several days. I understand what you are saying in regard to "it's all about him". It seems they become very self-centered and selfish. No regard for all you do and have to go through. Hang in there and if there are other family members involved, maybe a family meeting to discuss finances to help you out. He should be doing this, and would have to pay if he were in a nursing home situation. Maybe involving a Social Worker to talk with him may help. We did it for almost 3 years and reached a point where it was physically difficult for us to maintain my FIL at home. Hang in there and know that you are not alone.
Helpful Answer (4)

Change must happen now, else you'll crash and burn.
Helpful Answer (3)

I understand & greatly empathize with you...I think our FILs are twins separated at birth! Same angry behavior- it’s as if he feels entitled to be a complete jerk! I’m a pretty patient person however enough is enough- about 2 weeks ago I told him that he and MIL were demanding, mean and cruel and that I was DONE. (Not sure what that means, LOL!)
Okay, so friends have recommended medical cannabis for him- not me:) It’s a thought. IF I had an ounce of motivation to do yet another thing for him- I would get him his medical cannabis card and make him some brownies. I’m burned out!
We have help for sick MIL - 2 hours per day (M-F) through the state of AZ. What state do you live in?
Another recommendation was to call
‘A Place for Mom’- if you are looking for a place that can fund his senior retirement
with his social security checks.
Would your husband be in favor of putting him in a facility?
Can you get away by yourself? I do as much as is possible- it helps. Just a few ideas... 🌺
Helpful Answer (2)
bigsun Sep 2018
I would put her on all possible Cannibis (mebe even some doses of exstacy ;-))
I would encourage you to explore respite care as well, but have it provided in a facility, not in your home. Many ALs seem to offer this, probably by the week (it probably helps them to 1) bring in some income if the facility is not full and 2) entice in new residents!

I would recommend TWO weeks, or even a month. Take a breather. Take a vacation (doesn't have to be expensive.) During/after a few weeks of "freedom", you can decide if you want him back.

If he truly has enough money to pay his own way, find him alternate accommodations - clearly you and your son will benefit and it sounds like your husband is drained as well. That little taste of freedom might be just enough to tip the boat and get him out!
Helpful Answer (4)

Unlike many of you, I made my decision long ago that mom would not be living with me (or me with her.) Even before the dementia, 4 hours was the MAXIMUM I could tolerate her and her behavior and prejudices (maximum mind you, not the minimum, which was about 10 minutes one time!!)

With onset of dementia, it became clear to me that she would have to move. When brothers heard the cost at the first place we checked, they were all gung-ho to take her in for that amount. Sure bros, but try to understand first what you are taking on!! She, on the other hand, now had it in her head that she was "fine", "independent" and could "cook." Despite having enough funds to cover AL and checking them out for years, so it was her intent to make use of one, she adamantly refused to move, even if it was in with bros. One has 10+ years more before he can retire, has no room for her in his place and would not be home to monitor her. That won't work. The other lives 2 days away and during a recent visit didn't even know how to relate to her during a short visit - whatcha gonna do with her all day every day dude?

On top of being unable to stand some of her behaviors, she outweighs me by a lot, esp since gaining 20 more lbs, so I could not lift her if I wanted to, and she cannot do stairs - the only ways in/out of my place involve full flights of stairs. Additionally she tolerated us having a dog while growing up, but always tells me to stop adopting if/when I lose one. I have many cats, which would drive her nuts AND they could be a trip hazard for her sometimes. Then there is ongoing construction (purchased needing some rehab, not done yet, not even close!)

Even with a special caring relationship and some assistance, eventually full time care-giving is likely to take a toll. All my best wishes to those of you who have taken someone in to care for and my sympathies to those who have no alternative. Those who can find an alternative, do it! Without guilt, as you have done your time and need to ensure your future health and retirement funds!
Helpful Answer (8)
bigsun Sep 2018
Thank you
GOOD Grief! I am frustrated for you too!  If you don't mind my asking, where is your husband (his son) in all of this?  It sounds like you are the A-Z in this whole affair.... 

Five years it about five years too long it sounds like. 
Like me, it sounds like there were no "ground rules" established when he moved in.  While my FIL is not a hoarder, I can understand how frustrating this is.  While it may sound like a foregone conclusion, let me just say that NOW is the time to sit him down and let him know your family's expectations.  It is absolutely ridiculous that he is spending $ on more junk than help take care of himself and his costs.  IF he lived anywhere else he would have to.  Just because he is there does not give him the right to sponge off your family and continue to make not future plans....  If you keep this up, you will be crazy and broke.  Also, while it is great to have kids help as in a normal family unit they should and would want to, it is much different when a cranky elder is living in the home and stealing everyone's peace of mind.

YOU NEED a vacation, and not just one every 5 years.  The reason I can say this loud and clear is because I am in the same boat, with never planning anything for just us.  I do not have a square inch of house to myself other than my bedroom. 

The upshot is that you have got to get your husband in the loop and formulate a plan (together).  Believe me, I know all about being the "relationship DD"....  If FIL can't comply, then let him deal with living somewhere else, end of story.

Hope that helps some, please keep us posted!
Helpful Answer (5)

OK, jumping in again here, but I just wanted to add that it is difficult enough to share your home with an elder in the best of circumstances, let alone these additional complications. 

Please follow some of the advice posted here.... seriously, a train wreck is coming if you don't!  I don't have half the issues you have and I still want my FIL OUT of my house
Helpful Answer (3)

It seems your FIL has no sons or daughters. Why are YOU doing this? Why have you become the only responsable for such a hard duty? Why were you left alone with this? … Don´t you think it´s time to put some boundaries, some rules? What else are you going to accept.?
Helpful Answer (6)

I would suggest that you look into care facilities in your town! Find one that you like and then have your FIL go there for a week so you can get some needed respite care! Take a vacation with your family and relax! FIL may not be happy but you need the time away! If all goes well he may elect to stay or you can have him live there for a time! With what he is spending on stuff you could pay for either full time care or a day care service for him! Please get some help!
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Reclaim, reclaim, reclaim your space! Get HOSPICE. Get him to ADULT DAYCARE or an appropriate lovely SENIOR HOME.
Apparently, he has means and ways. Allow him to hoard at his leisure and will in his own environment. I grieve for your daughter who unnecessarily lost her childhood throughout this.
Helpful Answer (2)

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