
He is in Alabama. The nursing home says he is to big a fall risk. He has brain damage from the drink. He doesn't know where he is. He doesn't want to go home or anything. He is so forgetful that after he says something about home he goes straight to something else. The hospital wants him gone. I don't know what to do.

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Nursing home won't take him because he is a fall risk! Someone just posted this on another thread. My Mom was a Fall risk and was put in a wheelchair with an alarm. I would say that most NH patients are fall risks.
Helpful Answer (4)
ConfusedKid Aug 2018
I like the wheelchair idea.
Is there a hospital social worker who can help you with placement in a rehab or nursing home- even if it’s temporary at first - to give you some time to sort this all out?
Helpful Answer (1)
ConfusedKid Aug 2018
We have been trying to place him. His social worker is trying. But not very hard. She tried two places and quit. Now she is insisiting that we come get him.
You can’t take him home. Insist they find a place that will take him. Go above Social Worker, if necessary. Everyone has a boss...
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Has he still been an active drinker? Has he had withdrawl symptoms in the nursing home? Maybe there is something else they don't want to deal with and are just looking for an excuse. Alcohol-induced dementia isn't really different from other forms of dementia in terms of behavior and overall condition of the person. I have been wondering about this myself because I have an elderly parent who drinks daily and is starting to lose the ability to live independently as a result.
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ConfusedKid Aug 2018
He had his withdrawals already. He has been in the hospital a month.
Nursing homes are full of patients who are fall risks, forgetful and brain damaged. That’s what nursing homes are for. Medication can help if he’s combative. Transfer him to another nursing home. Talk to Social a few tours of ones near you. Good luck! All these symptoms you describe are so familiar & they know how to deal w patients like that.
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