
My mother is 69 and still working full time. She has a slip and fall resulting in a metal arm and shoulder implant. Since then she has stopped doing most of what she used to do. Her blood pressure is dangerously high. I left school recently to move in with her and help her get back on track, expecting to move back home and resume my education. However, its all gone awry. She does even less now and relies on me for nearly everything...even things she can do for herself. I still need to complete my education so that i can better support her into retirement but I'm stuck here now. She treats me like a personal maid and guilts me for wanting to leave to complete school. She has No social life and never has in the past so there are No friends of here that i can refer to. She's always been a slob and misplaced things so its difficult to determine if dementia it Alzheimer's is part of the equation. I don't know what to do and could really use some help and guidance.

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What does her doctor say?
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She does not have a doc anymore because she ditched him. She has been putting off a new appt with a new doc for a year now.
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Is there any way to slap the brat out of her? Joke. I would never hurt her but seriously I'm stressed out because she won't do any of stuff she needs to for her health, well-being.
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