Hi everyone,
We are now dealing with HE due to Cirrhosis . What a rollercoaster ride this is becoming. Does anyone have any advice on dealing with this? We have been directed to begin lactulose at least 3 x's a day. So seems to me the liver just got worse. Along with all the other things I watch on my mother, now I'm watching for neuro issues so she doesn't go into a coma.
Any advise or wisdom is appreciated.
You may want to talk to her doctor to see if she qualifies for LTC. This is because every state's Medicaid covers LTC, as long she qualifies both medically and financially.
Or, is she a candidate for hospice?
I'm so sorry you're dealing with this.
The lactulose will cause massive diarrhea. I am certain you are warned of that.
This sounds to me, as a retired RN as impossible care to be doing in-home.
Yea, she's young. But she looks 80, she seems to be declining to me, I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get put on hospice next month. If not, I will ask about LTC, that's a great idea. My husband is great moral support but this is still taking a toll.
I am not a Nurse but I do understand what toxins do to the body. The only thing that may save Mom is a liver transplant. Is your Moms stomach enlarged? If so, she maybe in her final stage of her disease. Not sure what a doctor can do for her at this point. You may want to consider Hospice.
So sorry.
She's already telling me she's tired of the meds and doctors.
I really appreciate everyone's insight. Information is comforting to me. and anything that helps my mother its great.