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Oh no! - don't tell me you or your loved one has been sent home with no instructions about what to do? Grrrrrrrrrr....!!!

I should call the hospital where the stoma surgery was carried out and ask them to give you full information about after-care. This should include contact details of any skilled nursing or care support you might need until you/the person can manage it independently.

Is it actually a new stoma, or has something else changed?
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If you want skilled nursing for this, you will have to pay for it yourself just FYI. This isn’t something that actually requires skilled nursing care, it’s something patients can do at home. You can try calling local visiting nurses associations to see if they even offer this kind of service. The other issue you will have is, agencies are not going to send someone out just to change an ostomy bag. Most have a 4 hour minimum requirement.
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I read your profile. Your husband is having surgery. He is not yet home.
They should give you complete information before he is released. Let me repeat that.... BEFORE he is released you should get all the information you need.
I suggest that if you are not comfortable, if you do not get all the info you need then do not let them discharge him.
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As Grandma says, before he is released they should explain everything to you. He may go to rehab where you are taught to care for the bag. Or, he will be sent home with "in home" care. Where they will train you. The one thing bad about Medicare is they feel that family members can do the care or even the person themselves. The last thing I would want to do is deal with a bag. Then someone else doesn't think anything about it.

The Visiting Nurses I worked for had a client come in for a wound in the middle of his back. He couldn't reach it to put on a new bandage and lived alone. But Medicare felt he could do it so wouldn't pay to have it done at the hospital.
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My MIL took care of her bag from the day she got out of hospital until she had to have end of life care 12 years later.
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They don't uses nurses to change that. They train PCA's or family to do it, Medicare will not pay for nurse visits for that reason.
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