

I will be moving my father from Colorado to an assisted living center near me in Idaho in a little over a week. I need to get a portable O2 unit for him so he can travel. Here are my questions:

1. Can his MD in Colorado make an order for an O2 concentrator in another state?

2. Is it reasonable to expect that we can get a concentrator within the next 5-6 days?

3. If the process is taking too long, can I rent a concentrator from a medical supply business for travel purposes? If so, I'm assuming I will need an order from the MD.

I feel like the system here is not responsive to his needs (or mine). In fact, we have been trying to get him a portable O2 concentrator for over a year and the company with which he is under 'contract' has said that they do not have any. I'm assuming this is because it is not cost effective for them, since he had started on a large, loud in room compressor. I'm feeling so frustrated.

If anyone has any experience or tips on facilitating this process, please advise! Thank you in advance!

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getting a portable concentrator within a few days is not realistic but hopefully it can be done. I say that as someone with a parent who has had COPD and been on oxygen for years and I know what a battle it is. As far as getting oxygen in another state—My mother lives in another state, she gets her oxygen through lincare & when she visits me, she calls Lincare down here and arranges for a concentrator to be delivered to my home the day she arrives. So you should be able to get oxygen in another state, it’s just a matter of when. It shouldn’t be too complicated if you can stay with the same company. I completely understand what you mean about the company not be responsive to your dads need. That seems to be the norm in my experience. We’ve had issues getting concentrators delivered on time, last thanksgiving the driver was running late and called wanting to bring it the following day. Really? Do they think our parents are on oxygen for recreational use or something? They need it or they can’t breath! I couldn’t believe he didn’t want to bring the concentrator! My mom has portable tanks but they don’t lasf but 2 hours! There’s no way she could have waited another day for the home concentrator. Getting a portable concentrator that was FAA approved was a nightmare as well, took forever. Hopefully you have better luck than we have!
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Please come back and tell us how things went.
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