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I guess I need to know is she throwing up from medical reasons or is she making herself throw up? Ensure is a good product for a temporary fix but she should be encouraged to eat even if it's a green leafy salad. She needs to get vitamins in her.
Depression can be bad and if left untreated will only get worse. Vitamin D3 is great for this, Saint John warts and bananas too. Try mixing a banana into a blender and the ensure. Pour it over ice and it will be a great drink for your grandma. With Winter coming the blues often set in naturally, buy what they call full spectrum lights, get grandma on D3 and Saint John Warts and slip in a couple of bananas a day. This will help with the internal part. When she starts feeling better emotionally she'll start eating again.
In the mean time, you sound like a great kid with the love Grandma needs. Just be there for her. Does she know Jesus? Play uplifting Christian music. Casting Crowns and Mercy Me have great music. If you have high speed, our church, New Song Community Church in Plymouth IN has great podcasts to download and listen too. If Christian music is not her thing play what she likes, music can be soothing. Get her to watch something funny that you both can laugh at. Laughter is a great medicine. Remind her it's OK to laugh even though Grandpa is gone he's laughing in Heaven if he knew Jesus. He has everything he ever needed and wanted and in a whole healthy body.
Let me tell you as a young 54 old grandma, my grand children can lift my spirits in a heart beat. I love hugs and kisses, I love hearing how much they love me. I can't hear it enough. Be there for Grandma in whatever way she needs it. Good luck and God Bless You for trying to help.
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i had a similar problem with my elderly father and his Dr. prescribed a liquid medication to stimulate his appetite and it was very effective. Ask her physician about this.
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Hi Laura- Your Grandma may be having issues that has prevented her from eating much of the time, and I would think that you need to find this out thru her physician--and sooner rather than later...If no issues are the problem-you then might want to ask about an appetite stimulent-if they think it is the way to go.
Be patient with her in the meantime-be sure your Grandma is hydrated-and has the food supplememts like ensure or boost- (also check to see if your Grandma is diabetic)
My best to you in helping out your Gandma-and do get back to us in this forum,
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If you can get her to sip some herbal tea..Celestial Seasonings Wellness Tea-brand,is in most grocers..warm tea is calming,spirit lifting,&hopefully therapeudic for her..they do have a website,I see they have a "tummy-mint" flavor-it might help soothe&stimulate her appetite(she might want some honey to sweeten it)...also-Ginger's good for nausea sound like a sweetheart your Grandma's very blessed to have you! :)
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my mom is on an all liquid diet of Ensure high calorie kind (now with Omega 3) mixed with Yogurt from Trader Joes (less high fructose corn syrup). to help her get fiber I use a soluble fiber (it really does dissolve). If she could stand the texture, I'd mix in some flax seed for the omega 3s and the texture for her stool. There are two things that I think help make Mom's protein drinks better also that they come from coconuts. Coconut water (not Juice...clear not milky) is the best electrolyte drink going, more types of Electrolytes than Gatorade. The water I use to help make smoothies thinner and easier to swallow. Also mix with juice. There is another product that might make a big difference in her life, and that is MCT OIL, which is made from ... coconut oil. You can also use coconut oil, solid white, but the MCT oil is better. Now brand is tasteless. Mix tbl per smoothie. The energy is burned more directly by the body and in the brain. some have great success in restoring memory somewhat and mental clarity. works for Mom!!
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You are very grown up and sweet, Laura. Yes, I think you are handling it right! You can also tell your Grandma how much you care and that she is important to you.
Drinking liquids, slowly, may help keep things down.
And it is usually easier for older people if you give them choices, rather than ask what they want to eat. Maybe pudding or oatmeal would go down easily.
Hold her hand, let her grieve - it has not been long that she has been without her husband. Things will probably will get better as time passes.
I think you are great!
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You are a very kind and sensitive grand daughter. My Mom lives with me and sometimes has problems with taking medication. It makes her very sick and she doesn't want to eat either. It would be my advice to check with her Doctor to see if there is anything physically wrong with her. There are also medications that can help with the nausea. Your grandmother is very lucky to have you for support. Sometimes we don't see the true blessings in front of us. But she knows it in her heart.
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Hey everybody thanks so much for such good ideas. They are all very helpful today was a good day i took my grandma out to lunch and shopping. Hopefully things can stay this way. Thanks again!!
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Well I'm 46 and my Mother is 70. She's had stomache problems for 20 years. What I do is sit out 6 cups. Place two nice spoons of splenda, one shaken container of homeade vanilla ensure and then add milk whole milk almost to the top {lowfat is fine too}.Then mix it well. We freeze them. Take one out defrost one minute in the microwave.Scarp the top off to remove the access splenda. They are like shakes but have all good foods in them. Banana or other fruits could be frozen in the drink. I try to come up with new things too. Good Luck to you, Robin
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Thanks for sharing your good news, Laura! Not every day will be like this, but don't get down - you will find that there are more good days than bad days. Your grandma is grieving and as time goes by, it will be easier and easier. You are a good girl! Hugs to you.
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