
I am very new to all of this, and its a bit over-whelming trying to get started. My grandmother just got out of the hospital and they said she is not bad enough to be in assisted living but not good enough to stay alone. So I stepped up and said I could stay with her 24/7 but financially it is not feasible. How can I go about getting compensation for doing so?

Please please help any info is welcome!

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I hope you didn’t quit your a job in order to do this. Your grandmother can pay you, you can have an agreement drawn up outlining your duties and compensation. If she cannot afford to pay you and is low income and meets the medical requirements she might qualify for the Illinois community care program which self-directed and you could be paid to be her caregiver but keep in mind, if she just can’t be alone, she’s not going to qualify for this program—it’s typically for people who need nursing home level care and cannot perform their own ADLS, you won’t be paid for 24/7 care, pay is minimum wage with benefits and she’ll only be given a certain amount of hours per week (and it’s rare to get a full 40 hours a week).
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If your grandmother is not able to be left alone, then how is her level of care not assisted living?
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Helpgranny Nov 2020
When she was released from the hospital they told me that she was not bad enough for assisted living/ nursing home, but not well enough to stay alone. I guess due to fall risk and remembering to take her meds. Other than that im not so sure, all this is new to me.
There may be some useful information on these links.
Do understand that often on AgingCare Forum we see disasterous stories of people accepting minimum wage and free rent and ending both penniless and homeless and without a job history to help them move forward in life. This is often a bad idea. Wishing you the best of luck.
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As far as my job i have been layed off due to COVID since mid march. Thank you for the info!
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