
I am a 17 year old high school junior and about 6 months ago my grandma (who is 83) and my aunt(who is 38 and has Down syndrome) moved in with me , my dad and, my 3 brothers. Before my grandma and aunt lived alone together. This all started after she had gave my aunt the wrong medicine causing her to slip in and out of consciousness my dad came by later and saw what had happened and rushed my aunt to the emergency room. A week later my grandma had given her the wrong meds for the second time So my aunt was taken to the emergency room again!! After this my grandmother blamed the hospital for what happened saying stuff like “they are trying to kill her and are going to hell” she was taken away by the police for causing a scene. She was told by a judge that said she can no longer drive nor can she live alone. I did not mind them living with us I mean I love my grandma and aunt to death but that’s the problem “Death” she has been doing some pretty strange stuff these past few months to name some huge ones she put bleach in the fridge like it’s something you drink. I have a little brother who is 9 and loves a good old fashion fridge raid, now you’d think that as a person that she’d never drink no way she would even consider it but through the time she has spent hear I’m not so sure. She forces food down my aunt like she is a trash can even going as far as putting the leftover crust from already eaten pizzas and saving them To feed to my aunt (she is easily pushing 300 pound and has diabetes). She also digs through our trash cans pulling out food and stuffing it in the fridge. We have seen her do these things on multiple accounts and scolded her on each time but she will not listen. In conclusion I feel like this warrants help because she is Putting herself and others in danger and refuse to listen to what me or my father have to say.

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This is too much for you and your family. Each of them needs to be in a special home apart from each other to care for their needs. At 17, there is really not much you can do about this. Although, you could call adult protective services and anonymously report what is going on to them.
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I would like to offer the advice that if you don’t get cooperation from your father about this, speak with a trusted teacher or guidance counselor at your school. You will not get in trouble for this. Your family needs help.
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Wow. That’s a lot to deal with and I respect that your Dad has offered his home to your grandmother and aunt in an effort to help them. My concern is that it has turned your home in to an unsafe place and they do not have the mental capacity to understand the dangers they create. What does your dad say? As the decision maker, it’s important that he be aware of everything so he may then initiate some kind of intervention.

Many years ago, I offered our home to a relative that was no longer able to stay in their home. Like your aunt and grandmother, she created an unsafe and disturbing situation to our home. My son was your age and my daughter was 10. It stressed them terribly and I had to contact everyone I could think of to place this relative somewhere she would be safe and so my children could feel safe again in their own home. It was a tough time for everyone but had to be done. Talk to your dad. Maybe have a meeting and lay it all out. Keep us posted. I know this isn’t easy. Hugs.
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For the time being, grab some childproof locks for the bleach and other items. If Grandma figures out the child proof locks, then you may want to put the Mr. Yuk stickers (they sell them on Amazon) on the dangerous items, so when someone goes to the frig, they will know not to drink the stuff. As for the garbage can, I would keep that locked up in the garage or something. The only people that would have keys for that would be you and your father, not her and your aunt.

But I would try to talk to dad about getting Grandma and Aunt some much needed supervision and help, through a special needs home, ALF or a nursing home, point out the dangers of having Grandma living in your home. It sounds like a dangerous situation and you want to be able to make sure that everyone is safe, including Grandma and your aunt. Hoping your situation gets better for you.
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Im sorry for your family situation. Sounds like granma has some cognitive issues going on. Please talk to your guidance counselor or teacher....they could get the ball rolling to get your family some much needed help. Please speak with your dad and make sure he knows this is not a safe environment for any of you. Please keep in touch with us, there are so many here that truly care!!
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Spounds to me that your Father needs to talk to his mom and give her Rules she Must Follow to continue living with ya'll. Let her know if she can't or won't follow these rules, that they can both share a room at an Assisted Living Place.

I would also speak to your little brother and let him know that Grandma is getting confused and not to be raiding the fridge or if he does, to check with you first to make sure he's not eating garbage or drinking poison.

You might keep cloxox, ect locked up.

You could have a Dr tell your Grandma that your Aunt is dangerously over weight and has diabetes and has to be on a diet and not to be feeding her so much and to not get food out of the garbage, that it is unsanitary and can cause one to get very sick.
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Grandma is a danger to all, especially the children in the house. Do not hesitate to call child protective services.
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