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I would try the purple pillow. Less than 40 bucks and a really amazing seat that relieves pressure on the bum and lower back.

That is if you can't afford one of the ROHO mentioned. I've never seen one but I have read that is the main choice for wheel chairs.
Helpful Answer (2)
Faceit Apr 2019
Hi,  I just bought one!  My Mom loves the color we shall give it a try.  My job is to make sure Mom is as comfortable as possable.  I love her so much and hate to see her in pain, and want to do what I need to to make sure I do my job!  Thanks for the tip.
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First step would be a ROHO cushion, the best version you can afford. But a basic wheelchair isn't really designed to be comfortable or supportive for long periods of time, she shouldn't be spending any more time in one than is absolutely necessary.
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Rohos are very expensive but I do think someone found one on Amazon. It has little pockets that hold air. You pump it as hard or soft you need it. There are some padded inserts that cover the whole thing.

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JoAnn29 Apr 2019
Sorry, meant to say "someone found one on Amazon "cheaper"
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Thank you so much for the info. We did get a padded cushion, but with the fluffy full zip robe she is now wearing to keep her legs warm, she slips on the cushion. So I will look into a ROHO cushion. They did put a padded leg extension on the chair, and this did seam to help take some pressure off her hip.

No kidding about the wheelchair not being meant for long stays in it! But I did put some padding in the back and really it is so she can be involved with the rest of the residents and eat her meals in the dining room.  I am glad she is able to still interact with everyone, and not be isolated in her bed 24/7!
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Faceit, where did you find it?

I saw them at bed, bath and beyond, but not every town has one, so just curious in case someone asks me as I am raving about the comfort.

I think she'll love it.
Helpful Answer (1)
Faceit Apr 2019
Hi,  I bought it online at their site.  It was free shipping and cost $39.99.  It has already shipped.  We do have a Bed Bath and Byond, but I didn't realize they might carry it.  But next time I go I'll check.  But I ththink it will be here early next week.  In the meantime Ithink I will see if I can ttake the memory foam out of the slippery covering of the coushin I have and see if that will work until the Purpal Pillow arrives.
Has anybody tried the "Egg Sitter" cushion? I think Wal-Mart carries them.
Helpful Answer (1)
Faceit Apr 2019
Hi  I will be going to Wal Mart today.  I will look at them and see if it is a fit.  need something that won't slip when she sits on it.  I do have aThe Purpal Pillow coming, so I might wait to see how that works.
Thanks for the suggestion.
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