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Do you have powers of attorney for finances and medical? If so, then you can use them to take care of your mom's affairs more easily.

Seems you may have to limit who mom contacts or send a letter to all her contacts. Let them know that your mom has suffered from progressive health challenges - no need to list them all out - and you are her primary caregiver. Let them know that you handle her financial matters, her home, her health care, and her day to day affairs. Let them know that you make sure that mom takes her medications. Her current health problems include not being able to drive, not being able to handle decision-making, and includes misunderstanding information/situations. Let them know that you are caring for your mother in her home - per her request - and any questions about her care should be directed to you.

Your mother may benefit from some anti-anxiety agents that may calm some of her argumentative behavior. If that helps, you can then get home health aides into her home or decide to place her into long term care facility.
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May I ask why she doesn't have a legal trustee and guardian? They will take care of her money so she can't accuse you of anything any longer. My brain injured brother is in the same state. He has a trustee but now is the time for him to move into an assisted care home so I may have to enlist the help of a guardian, as I'm sure he won't agree with me or his daughter so we may be forced to move him against his will. I could have been his trustee and guardian 33 years ago but I knew he would tell me semi-truths, beg for more money, etc. It's just too much pain for anyone to handle. Make sure you find a good care home between you and your sister so it won't be that long for either 1 or the other of you to visit. Good Luck
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Mabe mom would like to go out on a day drive and u can show her all the beautiful nursing homes that are in the area.
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