
She insists she is ok but shows signs of dementia, deliurum, and recently moves arms haphazardly when agitated. My father is deaf and follows her lead.
She thinks she has received phone messages, people have visited, and that my daughter is pregnant.
We live in a rural area.
My daughter is a nurse and checks on them daily.
I have a POA for their medical needs.

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Tell her that "open enrollment" is coming up and that she needs to schedule a physical.
If she has a PCP if you can let them know in advance of your concerns that might help.
Good possibility that you can send a message in the Patient Portal. If mom has not set one up yet you can do one and you will be able to put in the correct information to set it up and set a password so you will have access to the portal.
Do make sure that mom has you listed on HIPAA forms giving the office permission to give you information.
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If you have POA and it is activated, she is already deemed unable to care for herself.vYou make an appointment and then invent a little lie about going to the store or out to eat (you can even do that after the appointment, so it isn't technically a lie)
and take her to the doctor.
Or get the doctor to play along with a different having her leg looked at for varicose veins or something relatively innocuous
Get creative but don't get permission, it won't come.
If you have a POA that hasn't come into effect, yet. You don't really have any authority to do anything. Except notify an aging agency in your area.
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