
I'm new here, as my 90 year old father's live in caretaker, how do I go about finding adult daycare or activities that I can enroll him to keep him engaged. I also work fulltime from the house, so I feel like he needs more stimuli during the times I'm working.

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Have you checked into senior community centers?

That is where most of our senior daycare programs operate from.

You can also check into assisted living facilities, some of them offer activities for seniors who live off premises.
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Contact Council on Aging in your area. They will have a list of senior communities in your area. The communities here offer lunch, chair yoga, card games, art classes, exercise groups, lectures by guest speakers and so on.

Another consideration is volunteering. We have a top notch WW11 Museum here in New Orleans and many of the guides are retired veterans. There are many places to volunteer.

Best wishes to you and your family.
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