I’ve been declined twice by my mother’s financial institution, claiming that the letter does not specifically say she is incapable of making financial decisions, yet Kaiser Permanente has a template letter, diagnosing her with dementia, and will not write any other type of letter to appease the bank. They’re basically pointing the finger at the bank, saying the bank is the issue not the letter.
I am very surprised, frankly, because the MD may just get called into court for questioning at this point. You may want to make that point to the examining MD.
You have to understand that Banks are very careful. They cannot put someone in charge of someone else's money. You would EXPECT them to protect your mother in this manner I would think.
Be certain to keep meticulous records when you attain your status and begin to act for your Mom. So sorry you are going through this.
Is your PoA authority active now because of the letter? Have you taken both documents to the financial institution? Do they need a different type of document that is a medical record of her diagnosis or cognitive impairment? Ask them what type of document and what kind of wording they need to see.