
I live in Louisiana, and I'm currently 52. I'm in the process of creating my will, advanced directive, POA, etc. I need to know how to make sure hospitals, nursing homes, caregivers, hospice, funeral, etc. know not to allow certain visitors if I am in any of these situations. If I'm physically or mentally incapacitated, how do I make my wishes known? Do I put that in my will, POA, advanced directive, etc? How do I make sure they have no say in my medical care? I don't want them to visit, have any say in anything, and i don't want them at my funeral. How do I ensure my wishes are honored? This is not a rash decision. There have been serious attacks against me made by these family members. Thank you.

Your POA can state this as can the Medical. If you have both in place, the person assigned has the right to keep them away and no one can override the POAs decisions. Funeral, prepay it and put in the instructions what you want and don't want. You POA should be able to handle keeping unwanted people out. Especially if written in the document. If you are doing a Will then the executor will be carrying out your wishes. If these unwanted people may think they are entitled to your estate, then put it in the Will that you are not leaving anything to them and why and that this decision cannot be contested.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to JoAnn29
Bayouwarrior Jul 20, 2024
Thank you
In reality, your PoA or legal guardian will be the one defending this boundary. At your funeral, it will need to be the Executor of your Will. The most you can do is to pick good, trustworthy and capable representatives (who are at least a full generation younger than you). The prohibited people won't be able to act on your behalf or make decisions for you legally if you execute things well, but as far as coming to your funeral -- respectfully, I'm certain you have very valid reasons for wanting this will be dead and it won't affect you so why worry about it? Not all things are 100% controllabe in life, or death. I wish you peace in your heart as you plan and live out the rest of your life.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Geaton777
MargaretMcKen Jul 7, 2024
I had the same thought about 'why worry about the funeral', but then thought that OP was perhaps concerned about the 'bad' people upsetting the 'good' people.
See 2 more replies
I would have in your paperwork (and make sure that your doctors have a copy of this) your advance directives and I would think you could indicate a blanket statement that you want no visitors other than those specified. And then spell out who is permitted to visit.
As to not having anything to say about your treatment that is or should be included with your advance directives. Just make sure you have spelled out what you want, what you don't and make sure it is signed the way it needs to be signed.
A document we have in Illinois is called a POLST, it goes by different names in other areas but it is VERY specific about treatment and what you want and don't want.
As for your funeral
Pre plan it and pre pay for it.
You do not have to have an obituary so it is possible that there are going to be people that will be unaware of your death,
What you should do is have a close friend or relative that you appoint to be your "gatekeeper" and let them deal with those that you want to keep away.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Grandma1954
Bayouwarrior Jul 20, 2024
Thank you.
If you don't want certain people at your funeral, because they will make others uncomfortable and you don't want to see them.

I would ask friends to find 2 large men to stand outside the church, and nicely handle it and if not call the police.

I'd say have it in writing on your will also. That will also protect the guys protecting the church.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Anxietynacy

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