
She does not want to get out of bed, want to shower, or excercise!

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My first inclination… you don’t. My mom did nothing to help herself. If I could go back, the arguing, reasoning, trying to help , I became a nag… I would not do it. It was futile and was part of the reason I transitioned from a daughter to caregiver.

sorry I don’t have anything more specific for you
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MargaretMcKen Jul 2022
But there's always food to try.
Welcome to the site! You will find many friends who have many of the problems you are facing with your 91 year old mother. Is she living with you? If not, someone or a facility must be caring for her, and you should definitely talk with them about motivating her.

If she lives with you, you have a very heavy care load, based on your profile. You need to tell us more about her mobility etc for suggestions. At the top right of your screen, click on ‘care topics’ then on B for bathing, and you will find many many old discussions which might help you to be a bit more specific. You can browse all the letters of the alphabet!

Our posters haven’t rushed to answer you, perhaps because these questions are so common, and people would like more information. The last time I answered something similar, I pointed out that providing food is good motivation. ‘Lunch comes after exercise’. Probably not the most helpful comment at this stage! Best wishes, Margaret
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Has Mother had a medical checkup or assessment lately?

Is she recovering from sonething? Given up? Is this attitude new?
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