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When it comes to insurances paying for homecare, its not longterm if they do. The client has to apply for it. Not sure if the client hires the aide or insurance supplies the aide. Medicare pays for in home care and an aid only as long as the person needs homecare. These aides are supplied by homecare not Medicare.

Maybe someone here knows how you would go about signing up with an insurance company. It may you just will have to call around to their main offices in ur state.
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Kypatz Feb 2019
I retired from Public Works at age 57. Got my degrees in 2012; 5 yrs after retiring. Knowing physically I won't be able to do hard labor, Homecare would be something I could do into old age if my minds holds up. I can't not work (income) type person. I've been bleesed with 22 hrs. Saturday and Sunday (per private pay.) I could use another 10 hr.s.

I will be checking local Medicaid office. Thank you for responding

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First, with your background and at 70, why would you choose CNA as a profession. After 10 yrs of working in a hospital as a CNA, my 60 yr old GF retired. It had done a number on her back.

Medicaid offers homecare for those who qualify. Not sure if they pay a CNA of the persons choice or they supply CNAs. Call your local Medicaid office and ask about it. They may be in ur Social Service offices.

Private work is usually one person telling another. Call the homecare facilities in your area. They hire CNAs or may have a list of CNAs wanting to do private care once Homecare has had to discharge a client. Now I am talking about homecare that is called in to do PT and OT in the home. They are paid by Medicare. There are private agencies that people hire and pay out of pocket for the service. They hire CNAs too.
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Hi Kypatz - from reading your profile, I understand that you turn 70 this year and are a CNA looking for more clients in addition to the one you currently have.

Regarding getting paid by Medicaid for caregiving, I am sorry I am not familiar with what Medicaid covers. I suggest you call Medicaid office in your state and inquire.

As for looking for more clients, perhaps you can check with local rehab places, or senior centers, or senior housing. If you have a social media account like Facebook, you can spread the word with friends there.

I am impressed that at 70 y.o., you trained to have a career and are working and out there looking for more clients. Wow! I hope to be as driven as you when I get to your age.

Good luck!
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Kypatz Feb 2019
polarbear, thank you for your reply. Its no secret, staying engaged in activity is essential to aging. I've worked since age 10. If God gives you the opportunity, you have to do it. Use it or loose it. seriously!

I live in small rural community. I worked at the Senior Citizens Center and did clinicals at a nursing home. My limitations are punching a clock, 2-15 min breaks, 30 min lunch. ( and a 40 hr, wk). I can drive, and cook and clean and bath and walk dog, constantly change channels, repeat what day it is, laugh , joke and share my happy and watch Lawrence Welk. Always stay positive and be Grateful.

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