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I would firstly tell Grandpa that you just won't be able to help him as much, being a new Mom. Tell him to call his Doctor if in trouble. Keep repeating as required.

Secondly, call + followup in writing to Grandpa's Doctor stating same.

Thirdly, same for any hospital admission for Grandpa. Ensure you get the message across so an accurate picture of his home support level is understood.

Try not to feel you are leaving/dumping Grandpa. You will find it takes more that one parent to raise a child, a village of helpers is needed. It's the same when we age. I am sure you are an amazing, loving person - but you are (like all of us) one person, with two hands. So build your teams!

Very best of health & enjoyment for this special time.
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There have been a lot of helpful answers here for you. I am so sorry you have suffered so many losses this year, and hope the joys of a new baby can help ease the pain. Congratulations!
As for grandpa, it would not be wise or healthy to have him join your household. Any mom can tell you that you won't get any sleep or a hot meal for another 5 years!! Why make that worse by taking in a bullheaded, illiterate old man ?(your words, not mine)
You are already struggling with pregnancy, profound loss, and the effort of settling an estate. Maybe down the road a few years you can reconsider taking him into your home, but now isn't the right time for making such an important decision. Attorneys advise people NOT to make big, life changing decisions for a year after losing a spouse. The same advice can work in your situation.
Grandpa has been released from the hospital back to his own home. Accept that, and don't feel responsible for anything he does (or refuses to do) concerning his own health and well being. Share these ideas here with him about getting care and let this fiercely independent man be fiercely independent. That's what he chooses. He won't be happy living under your roof with your rules. And there would have to be rules.

Prepare yourself for bringing your baby into a loving home with a peaceful atmosphere. That is the best thing for you, baby, fiance and Grandpa.
And keep reading this forum. Lots of people post about moving elderly relatives into their homes.

Best of luck to you all.
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If your grand dad was in the service, there are many services the VA can help you with and pay for. Please contact them if you have the option. Breath, enjoy your new family.
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Down the road, not today, if you want to be involved with his care get a CNA certificate. You can be paid a salary by Medicare or medicaid. If your half brother comes in later and wants estate money or he feels you owe him money you have the legal certificate that states you are licensed and deserve a rightfully pay to care for your grand dad.
You have been given very good advise. Read it, then put it away and enjoy the baby for awhile. When you re read it a second time it won't seems so overwhelming to you. Have faith you will be making the right decisions for you and your grand dad.
Breath, Breath and Breath
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It’s been 17 days right? I wonder if the new baby is here and what decisions Confused96 has made?
Wishing all the best for all concerned.
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I am not being flippant when I say this, but the way you take care of yourself, your son and your grandfather is one day, one hour, one minute at a time.
Delegate every task that you can safely delegate to anyone that you safely can delegate it to.
Can you ask a trusted neighbor to pick up a few groceries/prescriptions when they go out? Instacart and other services are a lifesaver. You might be surprised how helpful people are willing to be once a need is known. Many people want to help, but don’t know what is needed.
The old adage is true••A closed mouth doesn’t get fed!” Please don’t be afraid to ask for help. And remember, not every task has to be done today!!
Please don’t forget to take care of YOU!! Best wishes!!
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