
my sis w mild CP had stroke 1yr ago- now has Parkinsons Plus she had this PP for a year in wheelchair, what lifespan be approx. She has so many things going on, she is in diff country ,& i need to visit her.
wondering after diagnosis such as this, What does her lifespan look like? If anyone is dealing with a patient with similar problems, what insight could they relay to me,

Thank you Splendid

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Go now. Hold her hand, smile at each other. Pick some flowers. Moments like that will always be with you. No regrets.
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Splendid, no one here can give you an approximation of her lifespan without knowing more about her conditions and co-morbidity issues. This is a question for her doctors.

And longevity may depend on the country in which she's living. If the medical care is good, such as that in lst world post and industrialized countries, that would obviously make a difference than if the medical care is spotty at best, or if she's in a country subject to a lot of political strife and fighting (such as Syria).
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Is your sister institutionalized? I do know that where I live, we have a wonderful CP specific residential center, who takes wonderful care of their residents! It would be nice if there was such a place that could cater to her needs, while giving the family the much needed help, and knowing that she was being well cared for, but in othe countries, I just don't know. So often people with CP are high functioning, and prefer to have their independence to live the lives they choose. This particular facility I mention, also has adjacent cottages for married couples, and for those who have jobs. It's a wonderful place!
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Go as soon as you conveniently can. The sooner you are with her the more coherent she will be and the better the quality of your visit.
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