
My mom's Dr. office called on Thursday to say the orders had been sent to our local Hospice for care and we are wondering when they will get in touch with us?

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They should be in contact with you shortly probably a day or two .
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What did the doctor call in to hospice? A request for a Hospice evaluation or just an authorization that mom was hospice eligible?

A hospice evaluation has to be requested for them to come and evaluate. In my mom's case, hospice came to see us 45 minutes after we requested the evaluation. I think you need to call them yourselves and find out what next steps are in the process.
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I am thinking back to when my parents were signing up for Hospice. For my Dad he was still in the hospital with pneumonia when the Nurse said that Dad took a turn for the worse. Within a couple of hours Hospice came to talk to me, as Dad time left was maybe a week or two.

For my Mom, she was living in long-term-care, and it was the Staff and Case Worker that wanted my Dad [this was way before Dad took sick] and I to come to a meeting where Hospice would describe their care. Hospice showed up some time during the week as there was no rush with my Mom.

So I would think depending on their work load, they probably use a triage approach when they have a lot of patients to look after, as to when they can meet with new clients.
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DO you know the name of the Hospice facility or organization? If so, then CALL THEM today and tell them that "Dr. Smith ordered Hospice for my Mom, Carol Jones, on Thursday, June 14, 2018. Can you tell me when Hospice will be coming to my Mom's house to evaluate her?"
That way if the doctor dropped the ball and didn't call or if something else happened, at least, YOU WILL KNOW, that Hospice has been notified (by You).

Make a Follow-up Call to Hospice on Monday, June 18, 2018 if Hospice hasn't contacted you or if they say that they didn't get the Doctor's order.
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