
I have been married for 30 years. For the last 5 years my husband has been taking care of his parents who live close by. His mother passed away about 3 years ago. This time had been very stressful on our marriage due to the amount of time my husband spends with his parents. For 2 years we never went away. I was feeling neglected in our marriage. I was thinking things would change after my mother-in-laws passing. Now my husband's father is suffering dementia and other poor health issues. Although there has been live-in help at the house, often 2 caregivers at once, my husband still spends a lot of time at his father's house. He visits him DAILY staying for hours each visit. I wait for him to come home. I have dinner ready, we eat, watch tv and then bed. Go to work the next day and the same routine every weekday. He often works on the weekend and spends time with his father. In defiance I sparingly go and visit my father-in-law myself. There is also other family members around. His father is not short of visitors. When I have my own family events, my husband complains and often says alienating things to my family which is embarrassing. I think we are now starting year 6 of this eldercare odyessy. Believe me, my time is coming with my parents, as they are in their 80's and live close by. Who knows what their care is going to be. We are lucky that my father-in-law has the means for paid caregivers. I know we are luckier than most.

Because of my feelings of not being a priority in my husband's life our relationship is on a precipice. I have suggested counseling but he wants nothing to do with it. We are always angry at each other, and rarely do anything spontaneous. I'm feeling that his Dad gets the best of him and I get what is left over, which is a husband who is tired and stuck in a routine. In 30 years of marriage we've had disputes but the most recent was one that I'm not sure I can forgive. I've pretty much shutdown after this last fight and feel that nothing is going to change. He thinks I'm making too big of an issue about my feelings and thinks the status quo is fine. Is your marriage suppose to take 2nd place to eldercare? Am I being selfish and should just grin and bare these eldercare years? I'm tired of crying in the shower. Any advice.

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No, marriage is not supposed to take 2nd place to eldercare. Marriage is also not supposed to take 2nd place to childrearing. Anything that gets in the way of maintaining intimacy in the marriage is a threat to the marriage and, if not corrected, may cause the end of the marriage whether officially through divorce or functionally where spouses lead separate lives while living under the same roof.

LizBeth - stop waiting for your husband to get home. Stop making dinner for two. Stop waiting to eat dinner with him. Stop watching TV with him. Stop going to bed when he does. Stop taking him to your family functions. Stop doing his laundry. Stop taking his clothes to the cleaners. Just stop doing all the things that your husband takes for granted.

Rather, start being unavailable. Start being busy. Start making dinner for yourself. Start eating dinner when you're hungry. Start going out. Start taking walks. Start using your time in ways that make you feel good. Start surrounding yourself with people who make you laugh instead of cry in the shower.

Your husband has checked out of your marriage. Your husband is emotionally unavailable to you. You cannot keep your marriage going all by yourself; you've been trying and it's not working. You have waited patiently for your husband. You have asked him to go to marriage counseling and he refused. Your husband is sending you a clear message that his dad comes first.

Each and every time you wait for your husband he thinks it's okay to treat you the way he does. Stop waiting because it's not okay. Maybe he'll realize that you've stopped, beg for your forgiveness and check back into your marriage. Or, he won't. But either way, isn't it better to find out sooner rather than later?

Helpful Answer (35)
MaryKathleen Jan 2020
I totally agree with you. I too wonder if he is spending all this time at Dad's house. To me it sounds like he has a girlfriend somewhere.

The question, if I remember right was "How many people divorce over elder care". Mom who didn't drive etc. moved in with us. My husband encouraged this even though I didn't want to. One day I got to crying and couldn't stop. I thought my youngest will be gone in a year or so and I can't live with husband and my mother the rest of my life. I just can't do it. I started therapy because according to husband, "I was the one with the problem". Eventually, I moved out and left the two of them there.

So, in my case it lead to divorce.
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Lizbeth, separate out the eldercare from the other marriage issues.

It sounds as though your husband is irritable and unhappy.

How are you feeling about your marriage, overall?

If you are unhappy, seek therapy. For yourself. Don't make it about the eldercare issue. Make it about the marriage overall. Figure out what YOU need and what you want to do.

You may need to detach a bit while your husband works this through on his own.

The only actions you can control are your own.
Helpful Answer (23)

I agree, you need to talk to someone.

Don't do anything without thinking it thru. Personally, I think separation would be good. But you need to plan. Find out what you are entitled to in your state. In mine, your allowed 3 yrs of alimony and half the assets.

Or, live like your doing and get your own life. Go out with the girls. Join a book club. Take trips. (there are single people who go alone) If you don't want to cook, don't. Tell husband when he treats you like a wife, you will treat him like a husband. Maybe have a bedroom of your own.

Another thing, husband can go live with his Dad.

I was married to a man that treated me like his housekeeper. He couldn't take me to the movies but if a friend called to do something, out the door he went. He hit the Peter Pan profile. He came home one day saying he didn't want to be married anymore. He did me a favor. I remarried a man where I am #1.
Helpful Answer (20)
NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2020
His leaving was a blessing in disguise, JoAnn. Glad your second husband is worthy of you.
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All I can offer is my personal experience, so I'm really just thinking out loud and letting you listen in.

Three months ago I put my 95 year old mother in a small memory care facility. I am in my 70s and pretty good health, I am also a nurse. I am married for 55 years to high school sweetheart. Mom has Alzheimers. Putting her in a facility has been one of the most difficult decisions I have ever made. I feel like I should be taking care of her myself. Guilt simmers. Hubby is a very good man but he doesn't want to sacrifice our "us" by my taking care of Mom. He is protecting us - like you want to orotect your "us". I feel caught between a rock and a hard place. Guilt either way.

However, we had the same discussion when it was HIS mother in a fragile place. I wanted us to be the ones that loved on her as well, rather than leave her alone and yulnerable to abuse or heing ignored, alone in a bed that was not hers. He wanted her in a facility . She did break a hip in the first facility then went to another facility where they met her physical needs and ignored her otherwise. We finally did bring her home with us where she lived the last 3 weeks of her life. She died in our home, with us by her side. I had the privilege of watching my man reveal his character. I knew, watching him, he would care about and love me the same way, if that time comes for us. I feel even safer with him knowing I won't be a throw-away and he will love me as much. IMaybe your dear hubby is struggling with his own guilt, and protective side, trying to get it right. And strong emotions. Strong emotions can be scary. It will be hard but make his home a safe place to land. I've been known to hug my husband when I feel distanced and say "Honey, I'm your friend." To which he replies "I know. Maybe my only friend. I'm sorry." And the ice begins to melt.

I had the privilege of watching my husband love his mom deeply. We turned her every 2 hours to prevent bedsores 24 hours a day . She was nonverbal but we could see in her eyes she was still in there . He put a recliner on both sides of her hospital bed. He switched from side to side all night long, with each turn and held her hand through the night so she would not be frightened or feel abandoned. In the morning he got up, showered, and went to work while I cared for her. I slept on the sofa near them at night.

Hubby and I are wired differently. You end your dear hubby are, too. Hubby and I have dufferent weaknesses -- and strengths. All couples do. Each one needs, complements, and completes the other. He needs you, really needs you right now. And you, him, which is why you are struggling. The other part of you (him) is hurting too and missing from you.

You still have a solid foundation on which to stand. Find it again then hold on tight, nourish it, and remember what drew you to him in the first place. Think on those things, rather than the thoughts you have been nourishing. It will take effort but the outcome is worth the work. That man you loved way back when is still there, though buried under a lifetime. He us still worthy of investing in.

Caregiving has challenges. Marriage has challenges. Parenting has challenges. Work has challenges. Life is a series of changes. And challenges. This is just one more. You absolutely have what it takes to get through them. But it's a choice only you can make.

Don't assume divorce will make everything better. Or that a better man will. Statistics prove 67% of second marriages end in divorce, too. And 75% of 3rd marriages end in divorce. Statistics paint a bleak picture for the future after divorce. And that is not even mentioning that neither side of a divirce leaves the marriage feeling like a winner. Or that divorce is financially devastating. It tears at the hearts of even grown children too.

Much living and loving has happened in 30 years. Some tears.

You are discouraged. Discouragement is not a good time to make life changing decisions.

Be cautious
Helpful Answer (19)

Perhaps I have a nasty suspicious mind, but are you quite sure that your husband is actually with FIL all this time? There certainly are more interesting things to do, with a good excuse, than sitting with a very old man.
Helpful Answer (18)
anonymous785270 Jan 2020
I think you may be on to something here. Perhaps this overly attentive son may have an interest in one of Dad’s caregivers? Why does he need to be over there so often if he’s got help 24/7 ? There must be something pretty interesting going on over there; it’s got to be something more exciting than watching TV with pops, IMO.
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I agree with DollyMe...........spouse & children should come first in a marriage. That is often not the case, however, and so, marriages suffer.

What makes DH want to spend hours at his dad's house? For me, spending an hour at my mother's place in Memory Care is about all I can handle, truthfully. It just strikes me odd that he'd be SO interested in spending THAT much time with a demented elder. I work in a Memory Care community as a front desk receptionist; the average time a family member spends with a parent is about 1/2 an hour, sometimes less. Rarely more, but sometimes they are taken out for lunch. We do have a couple of gentlemen who come to visit their wives daily; one man comes TWICE a day, but that's his wife. Spending time with a dementia sufferer is stressful; there is very little to talk about and lots they'd like to argue about, etc.

Secondly, your parents are going to require attention soon, as you stated in your post. Then what? NOW is the time to start planning YOUR future and how you intend to live YOUR senior years. With or without your husband, who wants no part in strengthening your marriage through counseling. And what to do/how to handle your folks when their care crises crop up, which they will. Do they have the funds for Assisted Living?

In any event, I wish you the best of luck taking care of YOU.
Helpful Answer (17)
anonymous785270 Jan 2020
She might consider moving her parents in to establish their residency in her house,
Alternatively, just divorce him. Counseling at this point would be a waste of time, energy, and money.
Is he doing all of the caregiving for his father or are you helping? Based solely on the original post, it sounds like he does all of it while you and the kids wait at home.

Looking at this from a different perspective, my marriage is to more than just my husband but also to his family. So his parents are just as much my responsibility as his - AND I expect my parents to equally be his responsibility as well. (If I find that my husband does not treat my parents as I do his, that’d be cause for divorce in my household.) If and when your time comes where you need to care for your parents — if you’re honest, would you be happy with the amount of help he offers you if he does exactly what you are doing right now? (I’m not accusing you — I’m sincerely asking.)

If I am reading your situation correctly and you’re not entirely or meaningfully involved, I’d be resentful of you if I was him. That would also keep me away from home more — and doing MORE for my ailing (and now solo) parent than I would be if you were adequately sharing the load, so to speak.

Your marriage should never be ”second place,” but your marriage will sometimes have move to the back-burner and cannot be the priority when other needs arise, be it a sick child or sick parents. This would be perceived differently on your end if you both mutually decide what is more urgent at any given time.

If your mom is very ill and needs care, you and your husband should agree together that until mom passes, these are the things that have to get done, this is how your duties will be split among you two, and XYZ will have to be put on the back-burner until your mom either recovers or passes. Vacations, date nights, etc. would all be moved aside for now, but not because your marriage is in second place but because sometimes, other things take priority. If it’s your mom and you have a limited time left with her - I imagine you’d appreciate your husband agreeing to making her first for now, no?

The same should apply to his father. Communicate with him and take on some of what he feels requires attention so that he can be home more. I’m sure he’d appreciate it.

But again, I’m offering this advice on VERY limited information in your original post. So please forgive me if I’ve made too many presumptions.
Helpful Answer (15)
thepianist Jan 2020
You make an important, beautiful point: we marry a person and INTO a family. That family is ours now and we need to honor that through our actions. Thank you.
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Reading these answers, I'm almost afraid to jump in here. Geesh, people. Breathe. I am in a very similar situation except that prior to my in-laws decline in health (and continuing on since), they were not very nice to me. I'm not making this about me, so we won't go into those details, but lets just say this - there is no good answer. You can't help but feel lonely, hurt, abandoned, pushed-aside or whatever you are feeling. You also can never "win". This is his father who he is watching decline, Nobody but he can know what he is going through. All you can control is your reaction to what is happening. Keep yourself well. Keep your home well. Find things and friends to fill your time so you are not lonely. Give him all the time he needs with his father and bite your tongue off if you have to instead of bitching to him about anything when he comes home. Know that you are doing YOURSELF a huge favor by just letting it go and waiting it out. Do little nice things for him and his father and then NEVER expect to be appreciated for it and you'll never be disappointed or angry. This advice comes from my own experience. You can't make someone love you but you can love yourself enough to react differently so you aren't always angry and upset. Trust me on this one. I learned the hard way. My own daughter told me "He is dealing with hell over there and then catches hell from you when he comes home - no wonder you two are always mad at each other." That hit home. I stopped reacting. He spends as much time as he feels he needs to or wants to with his parents and when he comes home I ask how his day was and how they are doing and if there is anything he needs me to do. At first his answers were obnoxious: "You could clean out your car so I can use it to pick up their new television." Really? I can empty my work stuff out of MY care so YOU can go pick up a gift for YOUR parents? That is what I WANTED to say. What I said instead, was "Okay, I'll take care of that." Was I seething? Yes. Did I want to tell him to go to hell? Yes. That would have only lead to more angry exchanges and ugly fighting, so why bother? He ended up having the damn television delivered anyway. FYI: The $2,000, 75-inch flat screen for his parent's den was MY idea for their Christmas gift because his father is losing his eyesight and couldn't see the channel guide on the screen of their much smaller, older set. Did I get credit for this idea or the amazing gift? Nope. Did it bother me? Yes. Did I say anything? No. They will find something about the television to complain about and I will say: "Sorry about that." and move on. You have to move on or you will just be torn up all the time. You can choose to be hurt and angry all the time or you can say screw it and move on and wait it out. Be supportive, be pleasant - be pissed if you want to be on the inside and talk to friends or keep a journal, but don't be reactive. Life will be much easier for you if you aren't reactive. Best of everything to you. God bless you.
Helpful Answer (15)
LizBeth213 Jan 2020
Thank you BluebirdKY. This is my new way of thinking in 2020.
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Well, I have strong feelings about this, me, I believe that a spouse and minor children should come first.

I feel that he is taking advantage of you and has misplaced priorities, and I agree he will not change.

I cannot tell you what to do, however, if you are miserable it may be time to make a change, you can always move out and not divorce, or just divorce and go about the business of recovering your life...for you.

Sending support your way!
Helpful Answer (13)

Isthisrealyreal -

Perhaps you are the one who hasn't been listening:

"For 2 years we never went away."

"He visits him DAILY staying for hours each visit."

"There is also other family members around. His father is not short of visitors."

"When I have my own family events, my husband complains and often says alienating things to my family"

"I have suggested counseling but he wants nothing to do with it."

She HAS been making his home a castle. She has tried to be his ROCK. Yet you are scolding her that none of what she does is good enough so try harder. And if you believe marriage is a sacred covenant then it's not okay to abandon your spouse:

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Genesis 2:24

"For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh." Ephesians 5:31

"For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." Mark 10:7

Old Testament or New, it's pretty darn clear.
Helpful Answer (13)
Isthisrealyreal Jan 2020
So she says, what about all the anger and fighting that was conveniently left out of your post that she said is going on?

I would not want to go home either knowing I was going to be b*tched at for not bowing to my spouses wishes. It is self fulfilling, when you make your man wrong for what he is doing, he stays further away. Not stupid, how men are built. They stay away from drama as much as possible.
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