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I'd curious about this....Michael J Fox has had it for what seems like more than 20 years,

My dad was not dxed until he'd had it for about 8-10 years---but that's a guessitmate.

All I know is it's one horrible disease and it scares the bejeebers out of me.
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worriedinCali Feb 2019
Michael J Fox has had Parkinson’s for almost 30 years! He was diagnosed in 1991.
How many of us, upon receiving that kind of diagnosis would simply "opt out" of putting their families through the care required?

2 of my kids are Drs. Both has "offered" to help me if that is my choice. This actually is extremely calming to me. 15 years of care for my sweet dad--NOBODY should have to go through that.
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I know a classmate who has had it for 25 years. He was fairly young when he was diagnoised.
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