
I chose to file my question under Working Caregiver. For the record:
I am all for social distancing.
I am all for people wearing masks in public.
I am all for COVID positive people not being admitted into nursing homes.
I am all for limiting the number of visitors at hospitals and nursing homes.
I am all for telemedicine.
I am all for the Subway being closed overnight for cleaning.
I am all for hand washing.
I am all for ZOOM meetings and telecommuting.
I am all for distance learning.
I am all for plexiglass shields protecting cashiers at the grocery store.
I am all for limiting the number of people who can be inside any store at once.
I am all for temperature checks.
I am all for contact tracing.
I am all for people working in a clean environment at least 6 feet apart.
I am all for keeping restrictions on people most at risk of having a severe case of or dying from COVID.
I am all for PPE for all health care workers having direct contact with patients.
I am all for travelers being put in 14 day quarantine.
I am all for new and stricter regulations to keep all workers regardless of industry safe!

However, a vaccine will not happen quickly and given that fact, what I am increasingly struggling to cope with and feeling angry about is this lockdown-fits-all approach to managing this pandemic. Los Angeles just announced lockdown through August. How many cities will follow suit?

This pandemic has shown that our health care system is horribly broken, and we can never go back to putting profits ahead of people. The PPE shortage is a national disgrace! But endless lockdowns or sporadic lockdowns are not the longterm solution to the design flaws of American health care.

My husband and I are spending our savings to weather this crisis. We pay our modest monthly condo charges because our building still needs to run. But all around us, neighbors' lives and livelihoods are being destroyed and some have stopped paying their rent or condo charges. Remember that unemployment doesn't cover many millions of workers.

We've endured many weeks of lockdown and what do we have to show for it? More lockdown and speeding up conveyor belts at slaughterhouses!

What we need is creative ways of getting businesses back open and people back to work safely. When is the retraining going to start of workers who can't go back to their old jobs? When is the reorganization of physical plants going to start so that people can go back to work and do so safely?

I applaud the salon lady in Texas and Elon Musk in Fremont for defying lockdown orders! People on this forum talk about how important work is for working caregivers and not just because of the money. Thankfully, I'm still working but hubby works on commission and zero sales means zero money.

I don't know why we stick around here anymore; we haven't seen my FIL in months!!! I am homesick and struggling with whether or not all this misery is worth it.

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Agreed!!!  We also have to look at mental health. People were not meant to live in isolation.   Overdoses are up. 

I am not going out, I am 66 YO and primary caregiver for my 100YO mom, but I don't begrudge younger people getting out, using precautions as best they can.
Helpful Answer (8)
NYDaughterInLaw May 2020
Thank you for replying, FloridaDD! I posted because I need someone to talk to and this forum is filling with people whose perspectives I value and cherish.

I have been trying to keep a stiff upper lip about this whole thing but after reading that LA extended lockdown to August I lost it and am on the verge of tears. But hubby is home - where else would he be LOL - and I don't want to lose it in front of him because I am now the breadwinner.

I don't know what the new normal will be at my work. I know that management has taken pay cuts and hours will be trimmed starting next month. I think they're trying to make cuts across the board so that everyone feels a little pain rather than a few feeling a lot of pain.
You are absolutely right, on everything.
2 months of strict lockdown had a meaning and we all obeyed thinking that governments were working on a real strategy, in getting masks, tests and use some common sense.
Putting all the weight on people's shoulders and locking people indefinitely because they couldn't come up with any of these is just criminal.

Many thoughts of strength and resistance for you from Europe
x Arwen
Helpful Answer (7)
NYDaughterInLaw May 2020
Thank you for replying, Arwen! Your well wishes mean a lot to me. I feel like I am buckling under the weight on my shoulders. With few exceptions, everyone in government whose supposed to be working on a real strategy is a millionaire. That there's a presidential election coming up in November is only making things worse as our country is very divided and politicians interested in ousting the current president pander and make empty promises. They are not using common sense at all, and it's costing many lives and livelihoods. It tears me up inside.
If masks work, why can’t all businesses open & everyone who wants to go back to work be allowed to work?

How many businesses have to close permanent before you all feel safe?

how many families have to lose everything and end up on the street for people to feel safe?

Why do so many people refuse to acknowledge that the unintended consequences are serious and must be dealt with? This virus isn’t going anywhere.

I have to think that those who don’t care what happens as long as they die from the virus are pretty privileged and have never hit rock bottom or had their livelihood at stake. I don’t for one minute think that most people would be ok living in a tent under a bridge or on the side of the highway when this is all over with! Because that’s where a lot of folks will end up thanks the economy we’ve just destroyed. Evictions and foreclosures won’t be halted forever.

Mortgages and rents haven’t been cancelled in the US. I am sick and tired of people twice my age, living in paid off homes with a secure income saying that the working folks with families to support are selfish for thinking about their mental health & financial well being. This virus is deadly but has a high survival rate amongst those that are younger and healthy. This current way of life is simply not sustainable.

Sorry not sorry but my family comes first. I care more about our financial well being in the long run than I care about saving the elderly who have already lived twice as long as me. I don’t want ANYONE to die if this virus but my family and our well being come first.

We have over 30 million people newly unemployed and a very poor job market. And I am sick and tired of people who have NOT been affected by the pandemic financially, telling the unemployed that the grocery stores are hiring! That’s not the solution, it’s a show of ignorance. If it’s ok to work in a crowded grocery store where not everyone is wearing a mask and social distancing, it’s safe to work anywhere else if you wear a mask and take every necessary precaution! It’s not about “essential vs non-essential” and if you think it’s ok to work in a grocery store because it’s essential, well you are a SHEEP! All jobs are essential because earning a living is a essential and there many many jobs that are much safer to perform than a job working in a grocery store. And you don’t need an “essential” reason to go to the store. Target, Lowe’s, Home Depot, Costco and Wal-Mart are open because they sell essentials (and plenty more non-essentials). There is nothing to stop someone from going to Costco to buy a new TV, Home Depot for patio furniture, Target for new summer clothes, Wal-Mart for pool toys and finish the day with a stop at Starbucks for a frappaccino! None of that is “essential” is it?

yep overdoses are are. Suicides are up. And in many cities including mine violent crime is up.

Yet....despite flattening the curve and reaching the goals.....some governors keep moving the goal post further away and for what? There is no science to support moving the goal posts. Hospitals here are empty and health care workers have been sent to the unemployment line. And the shut downs keep getting extended when our numbers don’t justify it.
Helpful Answer (8)
NYDaughterInLaw May 2020
Thank you, worriedinCali, for your reply! I feel as you do. I have to put me and my family first because no one else will. I agree with you that this virus isn't going anywhere. Are we just going to keep living like this? This isn't living - it's withering.

You bring up an excellent point that many seniors are living in paid-off homes and get secure incomes from social security, pensions, investments, etc. while having their health care covered by Medicare. They should stay home, order their groceries and medications online for delivery, do telemedicine, etc.

Unemployment is SOARING along with increases in suicides, alcohol and drug abuse, crime, homelessness, and small business destruction. How can we possibly bounce back from that? It's going to take a decade or more to undo all this damage! And the Boomers have the audacity to call the generations that came after them selfish for wanting to get back to living our lives and rebuilding whatever is left of our livelihoods? It's ridiculous!
PS, my response below is directed to the folks in my area, the ones on Facebook in the FB groups & comments section of the news FB pages. They are the ones pissing me off. This forum has actually been a safe space during this time for the most post. I truly hope what I said hasn’t offended anyone! It’s the comments coming from folks in my own community that I am tired of. There is little to no empathy and compassion for the small business owners who have been forced to close permanently, for the folks who lost their jobs & health insurance and who are on the brink of a life of poverty. It’s just sad to see :(
Helpful Answer (7)
NYDaughterInLaw May 2020
It's very sad. Every day it's becoming more and more difficult for me to cope with what is happening to my neighbors, friends and members of my own family who've had to close businesses because they are considered "non essential". They may not be able to reopen; they may end up ruined. Whose going to care about them when they need financial assistance? Currently there's a question from someone seeking financial assistance so that their mother can keep a piece of property and her two cows. I have refrained from answering because I have nothing at all kind to say to someone so obtuse!

I don't know when my husband will be able to go back to work because, again, what he does is considered "non essential". Yet a $6 coffee at Starbucks is essential.
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I read an article yesterday by Dr Scott Atlas saying the cure is now worse than the disease.

He's referring to the fact that nobody is going to the doctor for treatment of cancer, which is diagnosed at 150K cases per month in the USA. People have stopped going for chemo. Radiation. Pap smears. Surgeries they need. Everything. Everyone is afraid to contract The Virus if they go to the doctor or the ER or the hospital. So, after the country re opens, how long will it take to get an appointment? How back logged will the doctors be at that point with all of us having to wait for treatments? I myself have a procedure that needs to be done but has been postponed.

Yes, the consequences are dire here. I am 63 in July; I did quit my job at the Memory Care where I was a receptionist after a paramedic said he felt sorry for me because I was a 'sitting duck'. My husband has kept his job, but he's due to retire in December. I can collect early SSI, so that will replace the income I was making at my PT job. So Yeah, I can stay home; I can (and do) wear a mask when I go out. I don't have a young family to worry about like many do. I don't know what will happen as the country re opens and people get back to mingling, etc.

I can only hope and pray that a vaccine comes out sooner rather than later, and the people who want to get it are able to, and that it has no adverse side effects. And that, in the meantime, strides are made with treatments to lessen the severity of the symptoms. An autopsy was performed on a woman who died in March, and it turns out her heart burst from the virus attacking it. We need treatment, we need a vaccine, a cure, something.

But for L.A. to have their quarantine extended until August...........come on! What are people going to DO? Most do not have savings for more than a month or two in the bank! What happens to their kids, their mortgage, the car payments? All of it. It's frightening to think about. And like Worried said, working in an 'essential' job in the grocery store is ridiculous! Not an option.

The virus itself is scary enough. But now, the future of our country is feeling even scarier as these quarantines get extended. I like what you're saying about finding creative ways of getting businesses back open and people back to work safely.

And I like Worried's question about if masks work, why can't all businesses open and everyone be allowed back to work? I read another article which said if EVERYONE wore masks ALL the time, we'd stop the pandemic cold. That's not going to happen b/c of 'freedom' and 'rights' and all that, but hey, if it helps us to reopen the country faster, why not give it a try?
Helpful Answer (6)
NYDaughterInLaw May 2020
Thank you, lealonnie1, for your reply. I watched the clip and agree with Dr. Atlas that the current approach is irrational. Thanks for sharing that clip.

I read an article a few days ago that said physicians are going to go out of business, which is going to make for longer waits for appointments while more people die of non-COVID related health issues.

I also read an article about a survey of 1500+ nurses that indicated that huge numbers of nurses will quit the profession because of how this first wave of the pandemic has been handled. The article cited the fact about the Spanish flu that the second wave was the deadliest of the three waves. Nurses are not going to stick around for the second wave to treat them even worse. Giving nurses hero pins and rounds of applause isn't going to cut it.

The evidence strongly suggests that if everyone wore a mask, the virus would be stopped. It's a no brainer for everyone to wear a mask until a vaccine comes along.
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If people aren't working our government collects no taxes. How do people think the social programs get paid for? Even the $1200 "tax relief" payment made me shake my head: thanks for giving me back some of my own money.

Everything is pretty clear -- in hindsight. What should have happened is the most vulnerable should have been very strictly quarantined immediately. In no way is there going to be 0 deaths from this virus, ever. So we must live with the fact that some people will die from it (and I don't say this flippantly since my own MIL is in a facility where they just had a breach and now 3 that they know of have the virus). In order to fully protect the residents, NHs cannot have ANY outside visitors, since this is the variable that matters. But how do you stop facility or hospital employees from mingling with others, who mingle with others, who mingle with others indefinitely? Asking them to do so would be cruel and totally untenable.

As long as there's no way to inoculate against getting the virus in the first place, vulnerable people will always be at risk. I'm thinking the herd immunity plan is the only realistic one. If the same amount of people will be victim of the virus under a slow-release from the lockdown as opposed to citizens all going about our normal business tomorrow, why not take the faster path? Now we know that ventilators aren't the all-important tool "experts" thought it was. A vaccine is years away and will only partially protect, so it's not a short-term solution. Let the least-at-risk people go about life. I just heard that CA extended its lockdown. Right now the cure is worse than the disease.

P.S. my son who works at a Mayo lab says the virus is so small that the N95 masks are not failsafe and should not be counted on as 100% defense (or offense).
Helpful Answer (5)
lealonnie1 May 2020
Not sure about the N95 masks statement............if so, all of the nurses and doctors & medical staff in the COVID units in all the hospitals would be infected with the virus by now, which is not the case.
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someone on Facebook posted that they applied for unemployment March 25th and has yet to be approved. Being told to check status on line only to be told to call phone number to be told of over abundance of calls ahead of them, check status online. This is in New Jersey. We have been working, my husband has been in business for 40 years in the HVAC industry we don’t know what the future holds. It’s a family business and it’s been hard. I feel bad for the small businesses that have already failed.
Helpful Answer (3)
worriedinCali May 2020
The same thing has been happening in CA and NV. Unemployment was simply not prepared for the amount of claims that were filed. In CA there have been tech issues with the website. Not enough folks answering the phones. And people had to wait over a month to get their benefits card because the state ran out of cards. In CA, self employed people were allowed to collect unemployment even though they aren’t eligible which is good. But what is not good is that in my county the self employed were forced to stop working on March 18 and the state did not allow them to file for unemployment until the first week of MAY!
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NY, going off your reply to me below. The unintended consequences here are going to be devastating and it will definitely takes years or decades to repair the damage.

heres something most people aren’t considering either. It’s something that will likely happen in a lot of places and affect our safety & well being.
My husband’s job is secure in that he won’t be laid off. He’s been with the city 25 years. He’s going to be losing a couple hundred dollars a month from his take home pay when the city forces his union in to an unfair contract. And now he’s also going to take pay cut because of the pandemic which means I will have to look for a job in a terrible job market. This is scary. Because of the nature of his job and lack of family help With child care, i am limited in what hours I can work. We may not be able to keep our house. Kids won’t be able to play sports anymore. These shutdowns are coming at a huge economic cost to cities and counties across the country. My city has frozen all open positions and there will be layoffs, furloughs and paycuts across the board. Basically what happened here in 2009 is about to repeat itself. Due to a dire financial crisis, there were layoffs and paycuts and we ended up with a severely understaffed police department. Officers were forced to work insane amount of over time which led to extreme burnout and lots of people calling in sick which meant someone else to work overtime to cover for them. We had trouble retaining officers because they went to work for other agencies that paid the same or more, had a lower cost of living and less workload. Crime went through the roof. Special units like the narcotics division and traffic enforcement were eliminated and everyone was sent to work patrol. Drug abuse & drug sales went up. Car accidents/traffic fatalities increased. We are a population of 150,000. We averaged 50 murders a year for about 8 years. Over the last 2-3 years, as staffing levels increased, we were able to reduce the murder rate drastically. We went down to 10 murders last year. Shootings went from 100 to 52.

And you know what HAS gone up steadily during this time? Homelessness. Many of our homeless are mentally ill or addicts. We have tent cities here. Our first murder this year was a young woman who stabbed by a mentally ill homeless man! She was just walking down the street.

we have had 2 homicides (shootings) in the last 2 weeks. We have had multiple shootings. After months of quietness, the violence is ramping up AGAIN! In my county which is a population of 450,000 we had 2 fatal accidents over the weekend and several major injury accidents. All involving DUI drivers.

Once these pay cuts happen, we will again be unable to retain officers. There will early retirements. Officers lost to other departments and officers that make career changes.

And we, the citizens will suffer. We will not be safe anymore.

Lives will always be at risk. And some risks will dramatically increase as a result of the shut downs.
Helpful Answer (4)
NYDaughterInLaw May 2020
Thanks for continuing the conversation, worriedinCali! So all those people whose jobs are gone won't be able to find gainful employment in the civil service where they live because of hiring freezes because the taxpayer base will have been decimated.

The trickle down effects include property values plummeting. Shuttered main streets. Owners won't be able to pay their property taxes, which will affect county schools and teachers. Hospitals already tetering on the edge will close. More people will die or live just horribly unhealthy lives because of a lack of access to basic necessities. America will become a banana republic and Ethiopians can hold a Live Aid concert for us like we did for them back in 1985.

"We will not be safe anymore" sends chills down my spine.
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I live in SW Jersey. My daughter had no problem with unemployment but that could be because we are less populated here than in the North. My Gson works for and they are considered essential as is his Mom and stepdad. We r lucky since we r retired so our income has not been effected. What I see coming is a rise in taxes, like said layoffs, people losing their houses in a market of already abandoned homes. Manufactures trying to make up losses by raising prices. Meat shortages, etc. I am not looking forward to what is coming.
Helpful Answer (3)
LisaNJ May 2020
I’m in South Jersey and yes taxes will be going up, no doubt about that. Unemployment rates will be going up for businesses. Remember back when the economy crashed some years and people got laid off? Unemployment got extended beyond the regular term, well employers had to put in the unemployment fund and even though we didn’t lay anyone off my husband had to pay close to $1500.00 for that extension. The $600.00 extra that people are getting is a nice gesture, but that will have to be paid back by employers I assume. It wouldn’t surprise me. Three houses already went up for sale in the past two months in my neighborhood, coincidence maybe..all we can do is hope for the best..
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I went shopping today (mask firmly in place) and took special notice that much less than half the shoppers were also wearing masks. They may not care about themselves, fine, they have a right to do so....but for people, such as myself who are still immunocompromised, I get a little hot under the collar when I see them blithely buying things and touching EVERYTHING and nothing that is even remotely essential.

I have mixed feelings about how this has all been handled. But, b/c of my health, I stay home most of the time. Supreme depression is the result.

I know we have had almost double the number or suicides than COVID related deaths. How can THAT be good? And I am glad that my neighbor kicked her abusive husband out right before the quarantine. I did ( and do!) worry for her safety. Have a friend in the police force and he said most of their calls these days are for DV. Again--how is that helping ANYONE?
Helpful Answer (6)
worriedinCali May 2020
Just food for thought—not everyone can wear a mask. Those that can, should. But we need to be less judgmental of those who can’t. There are medical & psychological conditions that prevent some of us from wearing a mask. I can’t wear a mask so now that my county has mandated them, I send my hubby out for groceries whenever possible.
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Bottom line for me - living in constant fear (yes, some of it media perpetuated imo) is not living at all. Caution and common sense, yes. But I don't believe that quarantining the healthy, who also need to eat and have a place to live, is a good solution. I wonder too how many of the numbers are accurate - so many theories out there as to numbers being doctored/increased for the various agendas of some, that it's hard to know what to believe.
Helpful Answer (6)
worriedinCali May 2020
Exactly. And included in the numbers are everyone who is “presumed positive”-meaning they have symptoms but haven’t tested positive. People are still being “diagnosed” with COVID 19 just based on symptoms and they aren’t being tested to confirm it. There are also credible reports that people died never had COVID have it listed as their cause of death.

Thanks to that silly meme showing a great white shark with a CNN headline saying “man killed by great white shark dies of COVID”, I want to know what the cause of death is listed as on the death certificate for our shark attack victim. Does it say blunt force trauma to the leg resulting in massive blood loss or COVID 19?
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The cure is only worse than the disease if you and your family are not counted among the dead or permanently crippled by this.

nothing is worse than being dead. Who will choose to knowingly cause the death of other people?

N95 masks work. Medical masks do not, homemade masks do not. Non N95 do reduce the amount of virus in the air...but not eliminate.

until we have wide spread testing we cannot know that we ourselves do not carry this.

people are dying at the rate of 10 fully loaded Boeing 747 each day! Think we would be hearing people demand the right to fly to Vegas if this was an epidemic of plane crashes daily? Think we would be demanding that people return to working onboard?

the solution is NOT To knowingly up the body counts.

so let’s ask that same question another way....How many people must needlessly die because lockdowns were removed in haste? If you are willing to count yourself among them...why would you insist to take a great many others with you?
Helpful Answer (9)
jkm999 May 2020
N95 masks with a value only protect the wearer as they expel the breath outside the mask. There are N95 with and without valves so if you have one that is usually used for wood working or industrial use (with a valve) you are still putting those around you at risk when you wear it. You are protected from others but you aren't protecting others from you. You would need to use an additional cloth mask over it.
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I think the real question we all need to answer is how can we, individually, change our behavior to slow the rate of infection. The virus is unlikely to be eradicated and we will be living with this for a long time. There are small things and bigger things that individuals can do to end the lock down more quickly. If we don't change our behaviour this is only going to happen again, maybe sooner than anyone expects. Do you really want to do this a second time? And we need to change some of our behaviours forever to keep it from happening again in the future.

1) Do not go out for any non-essential items, and really decide what essential means. People in my neighborhood go out for all manner of non-essential items (such as that $6 Starbucks carry-out coffee or a badly needed hair cut.) Essential has a whole new meaning when someone might have to be hospitalized or die because you wanted it.
2) Do not put others at risk. WEAR YOUR MASK. VERY few people cannot wear masks - children under 2 years old, people with severe breathing problems, people who cannot remove the mask without assistance, and some autistic individuals who cannot tolerate the face covering. And it would seem even more important for the rest of us to wear our masks to protect these people. 3) Identify areas of high spread and take steps to stop the spread. For the meat-packing plants, close them until the community spread is under control. Then those workers can go back to work and not worry about their health and their families. For me I've stopped eating meat in order to lessen demand for meat products. Yes, I like meat but not enough to have someone die for me. For buildings with elevators have then=m pre-programmed to stop at every floor so their is no "touch" to push elevator buttons. Small things can help. 4) Keep your distance. Easy to do. Don't crowd, don't push, don't touch. We all were taught to keep our hands to ourselves and to "don't touch" when we were in kindergarten. 5) Be generous. I use Instacart for shopping and tip really, really well because what I tip may be what my shopper uses to buy groceries for their family that day. I do curbside pickup from small businesses to help keep them alive. I try to be generous since I do have some extra money right now.

This is not a temporary situation and parts of our life and culture will change forever. My family will be changed forever. I have children who are essential workers in a hospital and come home every evening to their own personal decontamination situation before they can greet their toddlers. Another child has a small business that has been adversely impacted and the 4 employees are trying very hard to keep the business together. BUT all of them primarily want to keep their families safe. And they need your help.
Helpful Answer (12)
ArtistDaughter May 2020
I applaud your somewhat upbeat attitude to do the best you can in all this and to try to help those in greater need than you. I read the problem, though, with thinking that not eating meat lessens the demand, at least in the present, is that the animals have already been grown for our meat and are being shot or poisoned because they can't be sent to the meat packers, so just wasted. Millions of creatures. It is beyond sad. Perhaps eventually the decreased demand will force different ways of growing our meat that won't end in such horrific disasters. Right now I feel helpless to do anything about these sorts of things going on. And as it goes on there are still some making large amounts of money off of our misery. Yes, I am getting a little depressed, which is not my nature.
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The cure IS already worse than the disease. Statistically speaking someone my age has a greater chance of dying in a car accident. Should I turn in my drivers license? Stay home unless it’s close enough to walk?

simply put, I’m looking out for my family first. I’m not going to stay home anymore. I’m not going to sacrifice my mental health and my families livelihood so the elderly can live longer. I’m going to learn to live with the virus. If you all want to shelter in place forever, go ahead. But life is going on for the rest of us. Death is inevitable. We are going to die whether we stay home forever or not. I’m not going to stay home and miss out on valuable time with my loved ones anymore. This virus isn’t bad as they want us to think. The numbers are inflated. The predictions have been wrong.

we can’t possibly know that “very few of us can’t wear masks”. That’s simply an opinion. It’s not fact. “Some people can’t wear masks” is true and factual.

those who are high risk should stay home. The healthy should not. If you’re high risk, protect yourself by staying home. We quarantine the sick not the healthy.

Half the cases in my county are migrant field workers who aren’t social distancing on or off the job. Should we shut down the agriculture industry too?

Helpful Answer (10)
pamzimmrrt May 2020
Cali,, I work in a huge inner city hospital that was expecting a surge.. today we have less than 100 inpatients with Covid, and less than 45 on vents, and many of our previous vent pts have recovered and are doing well. Most of our covid units have been returned to "normal" units. I personally know only 5 employees who have tested positive enough to be off work. And I will admit I have heard of others but no one employed by my hospital has died. I am also trying to go smartly about my business.. I am now seeing my daughter , kissing my mom who lives with me, and seeing some friends in a private setting. I believe you can be ruled by your fear, or rule your fear. I am lucky I am still employed,, but I agree so many are not that we need to do something , and fast! I am no longer being ruled by fear!
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I'm afraid I agree with most of this. Even places that were supposedly doing so great, such as China and South Korea, are suffering outbreaks again now.

At least my county in CA, San Mateo County, is now easing the SIP restrictions somewhat as of May 18th. This is all to the good, but I am now thinking the cure IS worse than the disease.

I guess the problem is, how does any elected official or health authority get out of this without admitting lots of people will die and that that has to be endured because the alternative outcome for society as a whole will be even worse?
Helpful Answer (4)
NYDaughterInLaw May 2020
Elected officials evade questions all the time, so why answer a hypothetical question at all? Elected officials and public health officials can just as easily educate during Q&A about masks and how long the virus lives on stuff, etc. If they keep reinforcing the messages about what we already know, then the focus will be taken off admitting lots of people will die.
One last thing.

I am not worried about dying from a virus with a 99% survival rate. I’m younger and healthy. I trust that if I get the virus, I’ll survive. There’s zero reason to worry about dying of it as a healthy 39 year old.

As it stands there is a higher chance I will die of something else. Here’s what’s happening in California. We are setting criminals free so that they won’t get the virus while incarcerated. Bail is set to $0 so that everyone is released and not kept in jail. The county jail here, several hours ago, released a man who was arrested for DUI and drugs and who almost killed people while driving the wrong way down the highway. Less than 10 minutes after he was RELEASED, he walked to the hospital next to the jail and carjacked a woman. He strangled her 11 year old child (child survived) and stole her car! He caught after a short pursuit. This just happened within the last HOUR.

how privileged you are if catching COVID 19 is your biggest worry.
Helpful Answer (9)
NYDaughterInLaw May 2020
Oh my goodness!!! What sense does it make to set such psychopaths lose on a community?
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This is such a crazy time. At my house, we are saying, "There are no right answers. Only variations of wrong ones."

Trying to balance physical, financial, and mental health with a one-size-fits-all (quarintine) approach just can't work long term. We have to find a middle ground that will allow the best options for the most people. For myself, I'm voting for reopening businesses that are not in a hotspot. I'm hesitant to reopen big venues such as sports arenas and concert venues . I also think that masks should be expected in those businesses and that businesses should be allowed to refuse entrance to those who don't want to comply (I understand some people can't wear a mask).

I'm from GA and we started opening some businesses a couple weeks ago. We have been opening more as time has gone on. I went grocery shopping yesterday. In the same shopping center there is an Old Navy (curbside pickup), Ross (closed), and Marshalls (open). It was a drive-by observation so I don't know what restrictions Marshalls might have in place. But, I do know that I would rather be working for Marshalls or Old Navy so I'd have a chance to pay the bills.

So far, the Georgia COVID numbers haven't increased dramatically. What will be interesting is what will happen if the numbers do start going up again. Imagine trying to shut down what has been reopened.

My husband is self-employed and has tried for weeks to apply for unemployment. The website is confusing and no definitive word yet if he will be approved. He hasn't had a paycheck in two months. We've planned for this but our savings are going quickly. We want and need to get back to work!!! Thankfully, we did get the stimulus check but nothing for our 17 year old (like a teenage boy doesn't eat much?)

I do think that the cure is worse than the virus at this point. Sadly, people are going to get sick. Even worse, some of those will die. It's not what anyone would choose but it is reality. But, the financial and emotional impact is affecting everyone.
Helpful Answer (7)
NYDaughterInLaw May 2020
My husband and I too are running through our savings, and the emotional impact is getting to me. I feel huge emotional swings from the time I wake up in the morning until I go to sleep. Most nights, I take a sleep aid so that I'm not experiencing what Midkid is and waking up in a panic in the middle of the night. I feel bad for those who can't even get a good night sleep anymore. I understand how so many are not sleeping because they are worried about putting food on the table - for their voracious 17 year olds - and keeping the utilities on.
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IF this were as deadly as we are being led to believe, why are essential workers still reporting to work rather than quitting their jobs? I believe if the numbers were as deadly as all that, surely places would be forced to shut down, not because the government told them to, but because of employees simply not showing up, even those deemed essential. Because it wouldn't be worth it to go to work, no matter what your job or how much you make, or would it? On the flip side, I think deep down people know on some level that it's being exaggerated, which is why the above is not happening. Hence, why those who are healthy are also upset about not being able to work when the risk outweighs the statistical probability of dying from the virus, but a very real risk of becoming homeless and hungry presents itself the longer the lockdowns continue.

I agree with SnoopyLove, the politicians are afraid of the flack that they'll get if they do come out and state that the cure is worse than the disease at this point.
Helpful Answer (10)
pamzimmrrt May 2020
Well Frazzled, I can only speak for myself, but when I went into the healthcare field I knew I would be placing myself in harms way sometime,, but back then it was HIV ( now not a big deal in healthcare) . Did I ever expect this? Nope! But I still know people need my skills, and I have had a good life.. I protect myself as best I can, and do the best I can. BUT.. I also think something is fishy.. And I need that paycheck! I am surprised that call outs are not higher at my job,, but maybe some "shame" is in play as no one wants to be the person that lets their team down during a crisis? I have had days that I really had to push the gas pedal on my truck to get to work.. panic was setting in! So in reality,, I agree with you! It is mighty political at this point!
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This is such a political play. It actually is sad that we the people are being used to try and destroy an ELECTED PRESIDENT!

I just lost all respect for our governor, whom I thought was a pretty intelligent guy and didn't play politics, but apparently the park and recreation pools need to be opened before other businesses. What?

I don't understand opening facilities that obviously can not accommodate masks or social distancing and not letting small businesses open for business without a host of requirements, when they are finally allowed to open.

Politicking has caused politicians to lose their minds.

Stay safe as you navigate back into life everyone.

Wondering why we aren't following Switzerland with their very successful actions.
Helpful Answer (13)
dogparkmomma May 2020
I am sorry but I cannot let this stand. This ELECTED president needs to be destroyed as quickly as possible. His refusal to listen to anyone, his ignoring facts in favor of what he prefers, his complete lack of empathy or concern and his desire to be re-elected at all costs is a huge reason why we are at the place we are. I do agree that the re-opening has been chaotic across the country, but that is because there is a complete lack of leadership or any sort of actual coordinated plan or response from the federal government. Switzerland had a coordinated plan put out by their leadership; we have zip.
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My biggest beef is the lack of finding Lysol wipes, Lysol sprays, and for a couple of months not finding any masks. I started my search back in January, finding those items not on the shelves, when I read that there was mystery pneumonia in China, and I thought, it isn't going to be good if it not contained. Some were sounding the alarm but it fell on deaf ears.... [sigh].

I was never afraid the the seasonal flu because I had my flu shot for the past 30 years. Never afraid of getting shingles as I had the vaccine shot/booster. Same with the pneumonia shot/booster. I remember as a kid getting the small pox vaccine. Same with the polio shot, as so many children my age were getting polio before the vaccine was created. That was a very scary time.

But there is NO vaccine for the C-19 as of yet. One would have thought there would have been a SARS type vaccine already out there.... am I missing something here? That vaccine could be altered to include the C-19. I know, easier said then done.

I finally got my C-19 test. Now one would think these tests were everywhere, but they are not. No outdoor lines anywhere in my area for testing. I live in the Washington DC burbs and finally my primary doctor got special kits. These kits will tell me if I am positive.... if I already had the C-19 virus... and what are my risks. Oh, my doctor is one of the few to get these tests, and she fought like crazy to obtain them. Geeze, all doctors should be able to get them. What is wrong with this picture.

I am still working from home because there are still people who are not paying attention that there is a very contagious virus out there, my boss is one of them. My sig other works at a cemetery had one C-19 burial... the family was told to limit to 10 people, did they? No, they had a crowd of people there. Few weeks later, another person from that family died from the virus, and 2 more are quite sick.... instant replay at the burial.

We need to pay attention to how New Zealand had stopped the virus. When the 1st case arrived, the powers-that-be took notice. Stay at home was mandatory, and everything shut down. Testing was done big time. It worked. Now the country is going back to work.
Helpful Answer (6)
peace416 May 2020
Glad to hear you were able to get a Covid-19 test. Yes, all doctors should be able to get them. Think I will ask our PC.
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The state we live in - TX, is gradually opening up. Last week, restaurants & a couple of other biz; this week hair salons. My stylist called me last week to see if I wanted to make an appt, I did as she assured me their will be precautions taken in the salon. The restaurants are now allowing the dine in option with "limited seating" ..not sure how that will work but since we're aged 65+ ish, we will stick with curbside pick-up. I'm happy to see this gradual reopening BUT will continue to be cautious due to our age.
Helpful Answer (5)
Riverdale May 2020
Thank God for Texas. I have a son in law and daughter there with their own business. This has been awful for them. They were entering a strong quarter. They are faced with unloading merchandise at reduced rates to pay the rent and employees. Normally this merchandise would sell well to Fathers Day.
Dear fellow commenters, please understand that once lockdowns are eased the virus infection rate (and therefore also death rate) WILL spike, but then it will decline. If the infection "models" are extrapolated beyond the summer months, you would be able to see this trend. No one in the media is talking about this because it doesn't sell. Politicians aren't talking about it because they are dopes beholden to poll ratings du jour and fear of criticism.
Helpful Answer (16)

Another issue going on is that for those of us who face death or the prospect of it daily - such as in a job, or caring for an elderly family member who grows weaker and sicker each week- have come to the realization that death isnt the worst thing that can happen to a person. Not that I'm advocating mass suicide, mind you, just I think you start to lose some of the fear that people fortunate enough to not deal with the prospect of dying every day have about it.
Let's face it...many of us here have been taking care of someone who has been in their own form of self quarantine due to health reasons, we see first hand how devastating limited contact with the world can be. And for we care givers who have been practicing safe hygiene, it's not that much of a leap to mask up. Honestly when this started and we heard over and over to wash your hands, especially when you got back in from running errands my 20 year old daughter looked at me and said "well, what have all these people been doing before when they got back in the house?", because we've been washing up for years. That's just common sense, it seems to me.
Helpful Answer (7)
kbuser May 2020
I totally agree, the hand washing thing shocked me a bit. I always had washed my hands after any errand, but my mom's hired caregivers would arrive and immediately go to her and touch her without even thinking of washing their hands. Apparently a lot of people never think of hand hygiene
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NYDaughter, I agree with you. I am kind of at the end of my rope, but I'll have to just dangle here because there is nowhere to go. I tend to think we are the point of diminishing returns. I limit my viewing of news because it is the same old swirling issues and nobody talks about an actual solution. A blanket approach to just cancel everything is accepted as well as an onslaught of businesses closing, unemployment, people dying alone in hospitals from non-covid illness, and our way of sustaining our life evaporates without advocacy. If individuals express otherwise, they are jailed and publicly shamed. My stomach turns. I believe huge gaps have been exposed in this country's medical community but I do not see any voice of leadership addressing it or any higher voice of reason coming forth. (or did I just miss it?)
Helpful Answer (7)
shad250 May 2020
Lol It wll always be about the money. Medical is a business plain and simple.
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Respect the Virus and you should be fine. One thing it has brought out is how materialistic and entitled the US really thinks they are.
Helpful Answer (13)

Just watched local news tonight. They reported that 80% of all c19 deaths in our state have been in nursing homes. 80%. If it weren't for the fact that many NH residents signed DNR orders that number might have been lower. Still, the younger you are, the less at risk you are (unless you have an underlying condition). The most vulnerable are the ones who should be quarantining because the transmission rate will never be 0 (just like the season flu) and the death rate will never be 0 (just like the season flu). The original purpose of the lockdown was to prevent the HC system from being overwhelmed. It wasn't. So now what is the reason for the continued lockdowns? The same number of people are going to die (in the ensuing spike) whether we unlock slowly or quickly. MN is slated to unlock this Monday. There will be a spike. Then it will decline, but NOT to 0. Then we will try to adjust to a new normal.
Helpful Answer (8)
Riverdale May 2020
Agree. I am sad for all those who lost loved ones. If they were in a NH environment they in my mind were not likely living a wonderful life. I have visited enough family members in ones to see that.

Perhaps one had a loving family member in a NH who was fine living there and caused no stress to younger family member and there were lots of cordial visits. For those I am more than sorry for your loss but there are most likely more situations that were not as such and perhaps the passing while premature might have been a blessing.

We do need to realize that our younger generations are the future and it is best to attempt to ensure there is an economy that desperately needs to survive for those who must rely on it to provide for themselves and their family.
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Another group of victims of the shut down.

Just heard on the news, the reporting of child abuse is down. No, that's not good news. It's down because the children, instead of being in school where teachers can observe and report abuse, are now stuck at home with the abusers with no way of calling for help. We all have heard cases where the children were abused and died at the hands of the parents, boyfriends, etc. I hope and pray that this dangerous and destructive shut down will end before any child dies.
Helpful Answer (7)
Isthisrealyreal May 2020
I am with you on that hope and prayer.
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Did anyone else see the articles that list the financial incentives for caring for covid cases? 20% extra, 100% if uninsured and an extra 30% if intubated.

Could this be the reason that people being rushed to the ER for a heart attack are being labeled as covid positive?

I personally distrust any results that have financial implications for certain results or outcomes. It is truly no different than what we read time after time right here about how low people sink when it is time to collect on their parents estate. Money makes people act without integrity. It is the root of all evil.

We are completely reopened in AZ and are numbers have not gone down. However, people are right back to living like this never happened. That is the result of lying to Americans. We have lots of issues, being stupid as a nation is not one of them, regardless of what the politicians and media believe.

If there is a huge resurgence I think that they are the ones to blame, being truthful will cause the majority to behave appropriately for the situation, lying will cause them to be rebellious and disregard what is said, why would they willingly create that kind of situation with their lies? Hmmm?
Helpful Answer (9)
FrazzledMama May 2020
I saw those articles. Really makes you wonder...I also saw one that said something like 80% of those on ventilators have passed, and that unnecessary intubation could have contributed to a lot of deaths too. The intubation procedure is brutal on a normal person, much less the elderly. I wonder how many were done routinely because of the financial incentive?
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I’m so disappointment this argument has come to this forum about caring for the aged. Repulsive.
Helpful Answer (7)
Midkid58 May 2020
We're all frustrated, tired, lonely and worried. We ALL have elderly LO's, and here is our safe place to vent.

No, it shouldn't be political--but these are weird times and this is being treated like a political 'failing' of some kind, when it's a stupid, tiny virus that has no feelings. It just is what it is.

I am considered "very high risk" after cancer TX and a lowered immune system. Yet, I have zero fear I'll get this.
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I am a nurse
I could say so much on this topic
The media makes everyone absolutely hysterical
For example with respect to masks. The CDC has said for years that masks can actually increase the spread of respiratory illness because people touch their faces more and dont dispose of them properly ect,. Even healthcare workers have lapses and this is why you see them getting infected despite masking gowning and gloves. The CDC has actually done studies on the use of masks and this is why at the beginning of this crisis they advised people not to wear masks in public.
I realize that at first glance people see healthcare workers wearing masks and immediately think; they are wearing them, why shouldn't we? But the reason we wear them is because we are intimately more involved in pt care. We handle their body fluids, dress them, handle their eating and drinking utensils, clean up after them, and we can be in their personal space for long periods of time. We also sometimes give them respiratory treatments which is much more dangerous. And again , as I mentioned even we still manage sometimes to infect ourselves and we have been taught how to handle these things. The media is where I first saw masks being pushed for regular people outdoors. In an effort to try , yet again, to stick it to Trump they spread misinformation and persisted so much that the CDC & Fauci ( who publically said masks were more for mental health then anything) gave up on their studies and guidelines & said ok fine we will recommend masks.

This mask issue has been going on a long time in healthcare. Way before Covid-19 . It began with Flu vaccines. Given a choice 60% of healthcare workers would refuse a flu vaccine. There are many reasons why, but eventually the US government told hospital systems that if they did not have a 90% compliance rate with the flu vaccine they would take 2% of their medicare profits - that is why most hospitals now force healthcare workers to get vaccinated . ( yeah I know MONEY). The reason I know so much about the mask issue is because I refused to get a flu vaccine every year, which meant my employer tried to force me to wear a mask all the time. So I researched masking myself and thats when I discovered the CDC did not recommend them, had done studies on their efficacy, and found they might worsen circumstances and so every year at work I would give my managers a lot of pushback because of it.

My personal experience confirms what the CDC has found- you touch your face more, you have a dirty mask on and touch the mask, and then you touch surfaces and when you are talking about having it on for hours - its easy to forget. Handwashing is VERY effective- social distancing is also VERY effective. Masks I suggest you research on your own- I am not asking anyone to take my word for it.
I also would like to speak about the numbers of dead and dying. Again they are doing with covid-19 what they have done for decades with the flu. They combine the death totals with those who have other chronic illnesses. People with chronic illness such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity have ALWAYS been at greater risk with ANY respiratory illness. This is exactly the same as it is with flu. It is the same weather you have covid -19, the flu, or the common cold- people with those illnesses are always at greater risk .

With flu they also combine pneumonia deaths with flu so the numbers are inflated. For example lets say you have the common cold and COPD. You develop pneumonia and die. If its flu season they will say you died of the flu, weather or not you actually tested positive for it.

Something else I discovered doing my research on flu- many doctors at the CDC have jobs with BIG PHARMA companies. They also own STOCK in those companies. So when a company makes a medication or vaccine and a doctor at the CDC recommends that medication they make money off of it.
Helpful Answer (12)
NYDaughterInLaw May 2020
Thank you for replying, NurseJess! I am not surprised about the CDC - or any government agency for that matter - caving to popular demand. The amount of money that is tied up in keeping people sick is a multibillion dollar industry and the media, ad agencies, politicians, stockbrokers, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, doctors, scientists, pension fund administrators and many more, are all complicit. They all have a vested interest in making more money for themselves. How else do "journalists" and "civil servants" end up with millions in the bank? It's disgusting.
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