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How much sleep does the person want? Are you worried that there is something wrong?
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My father is almost 90 and fluctuates sleep time anywhere from 6 to 9 hours a night. Usually averages about 7 or 8. He is in good health but does have a pinched nerve in his arm which is what wakes him up early sometimes. Once he's awake, though, he doesn't stay in bed. If he's doing okay mentally and physically, I don't see any reason to worry about his sleep time.
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Don't confuse time in bed with sleeping time. Many people have difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep
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Chrysler, my parents were in pretty good health for being in their 90's and they use to brag that they only needed 6 hours of sleep. Of course, they never included the long nap after breakfast.... the nap right after lunch... and again an long nap after supper :)
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