
My dad lives in an assisted living facility in Tampa FL. Recently in the last 6 months it has been difficult to contact him at the home. I and other family members keep getting voicemail message at the main number of the facility, and now their mailbox is full. I can't get him on his cell phone either. His voicemail was originally recorded by him in his own voice. Now there is an automated voice recording. I've left multiple messages on both the facility's voicemail, and dad's voicemail, no replies.

I'm now waiting on the aging abuse hotline to call me back... Any suggestions?

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Bonepicker46, I just checked the internet regarding telephone service in the Tampa area. Apparently Verizon has been having some issues with phone service, and it is still going on as of today, June 14th. Hopefully this could be why you and the family have not been getting through. You'd think the facility would send out messages to the contact person.
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Can you call the local police there and ask them to do a wellness check since you have been unable to contact the facility or your father's personal phone?
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You can call the local Office of Aging and APS and ask for a well check.
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After 6 months of no contact and not getting through, it is time for "boots on the ground".
That means if you cannot go there yourself, send someone.
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