
Help getting Medicaid or government grants so my mom 92 can stay at home? She lives alone and is low income.

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Until that gift of $100k is more than 5 years in the past, she will not qualify for Medicaid.

sit down with this son and explain what he has done to she must live with him and he must take care of her until at least that 5 year look back has passed.
Helpful Answer (4)

Ashley, You have asked several questions regarding assistance for your Mom. Check with your Area Agency on Aging to find out what assistance is available. They will do an assessment for what she might need. Contact your county Medicaid office with assistance for Medicaid. Resources for walk-in bath tubs is not readily available and Medicaid does not cover equipment that requires home modification for installation. That would be the home owners responsibility. Long term care covered by Medicaid might be the best solution for your mom.
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How did this happen? You worked in social services and did not report it? Call social services and the area agency on aging for advice and help. An elder law attorney would be a good idea as well.

And pack mom off to his house.
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Oh man, she's going to have a horrible time getting Medicaid if she gifted a hundred grand 3 years ago.
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How did she get a 100k loan being low income?

Your brother has violated the law, he benefited personally by using his POA to get mom this loan.

I would contact the local authorities and file a complaint against him, that is how your mom will get the care she requires.

You know about all of this, so you are now responsible for doing the right thing. Protecting your mom against your predatory brother and if he goes to jail, oh well, who essentially risks their 90 year old mom's house to get money for themselves?
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You all have to read her profile amd other responses. The mother re-mortgaged her house for 100k and gave the money to her son. He now whats her to do a reversed mortgage. Won't happen because the house has no equity because of the re-mortgaging. This is all son's fault.
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You gotta condense all these questions down. Give more details in your posts. Use punctuation. I'm really having a hard time understanding what you are asking. Do you mean poa as in power of attorney, and make a typo? Or the abbreviation pos? Those are two very different things.
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How does your brother think your mother will pay for a NH if there is no money and she can't qualify for Medicaid?

You're already the one who's taking care of your mother. The expectation will be that you continue to do so (and do even more) as she deteriorates. Does she need that much help that she needs a nursing home?

Sad to say, but plan for you and your wife to be the ones to be your mother's caregivers (possibly progressing to fulltime), UNLESS you decide now what's going to happen to prevent that. Everyone will expect it of you (your mother, your brother).
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Ashley I think you are going to need to make Mom a ward of the state if she needs Nursing Home care . That may mean calling APS and let them take guardianship if Mom is in really bad shape. You may need to do this because you are not going to be able to place Mom in a NH on your own without money or Medicaid. Let APS take over. (You don't have to be caregivers yourself if you are not physically or mentally able to as I've seen others state, APS will find a safe environment, but you won't have a say in the matter and possibly your brother will be investigated for financial abuse, but Mom will be taken care of)
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