
How much? How often? I'm praying all goes well tomorrow i should have poa, and he made changes to the amendment. i asked and god gave me very clear awnsers about what to do and if i were doing the right thing, quick too. lol god is great!! now im not sure how much to pay myself, im in nm. i know it can be alot but im not greedy... my lawer suggested 13.00 pr hr and 12 hr days. thats alot of money with overtime... i got a script from the dr. for home care, not sure that might only be good through a company.... but i have it to show that he really needs it... does anyone know the laws on any of this... i believe i can really do what i see is fit. not sure about all this... i think its about to get a little crazy when everyone finds out. but too bad...i asked god i said this is between u me and gpa.. all my answers were so very clear then... the last 2 yrs ive been thinking about the ones that hate me.. boy u can tell im blonde.... if i dont stand up for myself now i will be trampled when he goes... none of them care what happens to me, gpa does and i do... if their going to hate me, for caring for my gparents , i think its time they finally have a good reason. i no im not going to be treated any better when he passes.. heard aunt was giving her share of 1/3 of 1/2 the house to her 2 kids so her son could move in with me and try to make me miserable . bully me into selling... lol he will be under the jail, i might just get a restraing order right of the bat.. he lives with me i know he will try to hit me.. cuz we will fight and he knows i wont take shit from im pretty sure he will hit me. he pulled a 50 cent piece chunk out of my hair one time over ten bucks. punched his sister in the face like a man. pushed his mom over coffee table broke it, she had to call cops to get himj out... so no way will i b jokes on him.... sucks hes always been a brother to me...we bump heads but always get right over it...but not this time... im doing priceless things for my gparents and being condemed for it.... idk maybe its their guilt..... anyways love you all u guys have helped me so much. maybe i can help someone on here next!!! god bless u all. sorry to babble

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Um, agreed that God is great, but what does the attorney say about POA paying herself to do home care? You need to make absolutely certain that this is legal.
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And the POA paying herself quite well!

I wouldn't say that $13/hour is the going average for caregiver duties. Maybe $9-$10/hour and no overtime. There is no overtime for professional caregivers.
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^^^^ If someone goes through an agency.
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You can't imagine what's going through my mind right now. Oh...maybe you can.
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I can Mags. lol
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Let's do the Math $13 per hr x 12 hrs x 30 days a month= $4680 per month, less payroll taxes. $56,160 per year. Assisted Living will be cheaper. It may not fly with whoever is signing the POA. If this has to go before a Judge, he may just bang the gavel on your head. They have no sense of humor.
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No cash for caregiver who is a relative in AL at least that's what I have been told by a senior citizen's agency. Make sure you talk with a second lawyer or someone who is familiar with this law. It seems to me that it depends on what state you are in. Not in AL, can a daughter who is the only caregiver and POA can actually be paid. If I am wrong, please someone correct me..
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Still trying to comprehend the posting.
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robskirocks3,here's your question from back in August. There is just too much going on to figure out how to help you. You really need to see an *Elder Law* attorney.
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Hourly wages are different from one state or county to the next. I live in Los Angeles and $13.00 an hour is not much. Maybe in her area as well? Actually a sign twirler makes $11.00 for zero skills and no responsibility so it is worth it to pay a bit more for a good caregiver IMO.
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Chick White: Medicaid won't pay a live in family member, but this is different. This a private agreement within the family. If all agree.
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I wanna be a sign twirler. Right. Now.
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Isn't the OP saying that SHE is being made POA? Isn't there a conflict in a poa being paid as caregiver? Or am I missing something here . And yes, I would have skedaddled out of this family drama long ago. I guess grandpa has or says he has big bucks. I've seen this script in my family long ago, and in the end, there was no money. But a lot of people danced to the pipe of a very evil lady for many years.
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I would like to be a fly on the wallpaper for that meeting....
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When any of you find out, please let me know. My sister is working her tail off for my parents... it IS expensive, and she needs help. Thanks
Vera J.
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God bless you all who are caring for your parents. It is SO hard
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