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Well if you can talk your mother into paying you, be sure you get a written contract and set up the payroll taxes. Not an easy bridge to cross.
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Go to the blue bar near the top of this page, click on "Money & Legal", now click on "Paying for Care".

Majority of grown children do not get paid for caring for their elderly parent, unless the parent is financially able to pay from their own funds.

Does your Mom need around the clock care, it is physically impossible for just one person to do all the work of 3 Caregivers who work 8 hour shifts per day, then get time off and return fresh for the next shift. You will need to get a required number of hours of sleep for yourself otherwise your health will decline rather quickly. Check with your local Council on Aging to see what is available for Aides to come to the house for a couple of hours to help give you time for yourself.

You might want to check to see if your Mom could qualify for Medicaid, each State has different requirement and different things they do to help or pay for.
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What happens if the mother doesnt have the resources to pay her daughter for care?
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