
I do not drive.

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Check to see if the county you live in has a transit system. Our’s does. They use mini-buses or vans that are handicap accessible. The fee is nominal, about $5 each way per person. Reservations need to be made a few days in advance. They will pick up and deliver to your door.

You can also call Uber or Lyft.
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Call the doctor's offices and ask them to help you find transportation options. I worked as a MOA for many years and kept a current list of local options.
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Red Cross used to have drivers. Your County Office of Aging maybe able to help.
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In Sacramento CA we have Paratransit which is a part of the citywide bus and light rail.  They will come to the house.  I went on line, printed out the form, send it to the doctor for their portion, it was mailed back to Paratransit and we're good to go.  I can also ride for free since she can't ride by herself due to the Alzheimer's.   One thing, the transportation type can vary, sometimes it's a small bus, a van, car or a taxi.  I would suggest you going with him especially if they send a taxi.  The drivers have no clue they are picking up someone with ALZ and will not know how to handle your LO.  On our first test run, they sent a taxi to my mom's day program and the driver had no idea my mom needed help getting in the car, that she had ALZ, nothing!  Thank goodness we were there to help.  I later called the transit company and told them no taxi.  All my best!
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There are some Senior Volunteer groups that offer rides to and from appointments. Usually within a certain radius.
Some areas have senior transportation and they will come to your door rather than you having to go to a "bus stop"
Some churches have volunteer groups that will help out
Cab, Lyft or Uber all options as well
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Council on Aging provides rides here. They are nice. I drive mom to the doctor but I see the buses all over the city. They are nice large shuttle buses, lifts for walkers and wheelchairs. The drive right up to the door of the doctor’s office. They also do grocery and pharmacy trips. Maybe even church service. I think I did see them outside my church too. They are terrific. Give them a call.
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