
He tries to manipulate the objects, is unsuccessful, and gets upset when I can't see them. If I try to do as he asks he says I am doing it wrong and gets upset about that. How do I work with this?

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Have you discussed this with his doctor
? Does your husband realize that these are hallucinations and not real items?
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Joyce, I read some of your other posts. Has your husband been tested by a neurologist who specializes in dementia? It might be worth the effort to find out exactly which kind you are dealing with, because there are probably specific techniques that work for some and not others.

Does distraction work? Are you getting overwhelmed by this? Do you have access to respite so that you can get to your own doctors appointments and time off with friends?
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Thank you for responding.
He has not yet been tested. I plan to take him to the local VA next week. He doesn't accept the fact that he is hallucinating. I haven't made arrangements for respite, he doesn't respond well to anyone else in his home.
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