
It was very scary.

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It was very "what"? Your sentence kind of dropped. Does he normally talk out in his sleep. Was it the usual for sleep talkers, kind of garbled and mumbled with a bit of restlessness? Are there other things that are of concern to you? Is he already diagnosed with some dementia? If so does he have daytime hallucinations at all? If this is of concern I would simply put it out of your mind unless it happens again. You can then pass it past the doctor. If you are curious you might consider using your search engine to research "sleep talking". If you come to any conclusions do update us.
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He talked for at least an hour. Wow! That's a long time. And yes, it sounded scary to me, too.

Does he make sense? Does it sound like a conversation back and forth with someone(s)? Can you record it and play it back for him? Given his dementia, do you think he can still make sense and tell you what he was talking about?

I recommend you check with his doctor about this. Maybe it's considered hallucination and there are meds that can help.
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I would say dreams but an hour! That’s a long time. No clue!

Is it random conversation? Have you listened intently or were you just hearing bits and pieces? Just wondering if the conversation made sense. Lucid dreams are actually helpful.

Good luck sorting it out.
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It didn’t happen again last night. It was as if he was talking to someone. “Put it over here. Don’t sit on the bed.... “ l’ll let you know if it happens again.
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No clue. Hallucinating perhaps. I really don’t know. I agree with Alva. Speak to the doctor.
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