
I have a matresss protector and waterproof sheets on the bed too, and his quilt is wet also in the mornings. The smell is terrible. How do I deal with this I wonder? He thinks that pull ups won't work to counteract all the washing. Any tips please. Many thanks.

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My father has the same issue. When he uses the urinals he spills if there's urine already in them. He doesn't have the coordination. What we do is leave a bucket next to the bed at night. He is able to empty the urinal and reuse. He may spill a little on the bed sometimes but it gets soaked up by the bed pad and it's way less than how it used to be. But he also does wear a pull up, which helps tremendously and actually keeps him dryer in the morning and more comfortable. You should see if he's open to just trying it for one night. He may find that he likes it better. We spend so much money on bed pads and pull ups, it's crazy. I know how difficult this is. My thoughts are with you!
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I totally get it. I am in a similar situation. My husband is wheelchair bound but can normally weight bear to pivot chair to bed. I was able to get urinals that prevent back flow but the bed continues to be wet. I am using pull-ups on him and he persists in using urinals. He has difficulty managing urinal and also has leakage when removing urinal. I go through tons of bed protectors (chux). the only time the sheets stayed dry was the night I insisted he use the pull ups and I had to awaken every 2-3 hours to change the pull-up. it was saturated. the chux was saturated. but the bed was dry!
on days he feels stronger, he can get up to the commode to pee. I have the chux under the commode (on the floor also and they are frequently wet). I share your frustration.
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He is not on diuretics. He uses the urinals all right but he spills while doing so as he has got claw hand. His mobility is not good and he cannot even make the bed let alone change sheets etc. He is a normal 77 year old man, no dementia but he seems not to mind smells and will lie in a dirty bed if I let him (with respect for him I am sorry to have to say this), but he is an otherwise very considerate man. Just today though he tells me that he seems to be leaking inbetween using the urinals and he obviously is, so now I am going to at least get him night pull ups, though he does think that they won't be enough and only get into the way of using the urinals. I hope that I can get extra absorbent ones. Thank you for taking the time to reply.
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The solution depends on what is causing the bed to get wet. What exactly isn't working with the urinals? Does he spill them? Is it that 2 are not enough? Or does he sometimes not wake up in time and go in his sleep? And, does he have dementia or is he just being stubborn?
I would start by making him responsible for cleaning up the mess, unless he is totally bedridden he can figure out a way to strip the bed and get it into the wash. His mess, his responsibility. That should give him the incentive to at least try the pull ups. He can still use the urinals, but explain they will be there as a back up system - which he obviously needs. The fact that the entire bed is soaked though despite filling 2 urinals makes me wonder if even the pull ups will be enough.... is he on diuretics?
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If he is not able to do the laundry and cleanup, I'd insist that he try what you suggest to avoid so much leakage. I hope you'll get some suggestions on keeping the bed dry.
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