
I live alone & will need help with meals, transportation, laundry, bathing, shopping, cleaning etc. Can I get help with this and/or medical equipment?

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Mountain, have you filed for and/or receiving health care benefits from the VA? If you already are getting that, contact the social worker for your medical team; ask her about getting in-home service.

The VA social workers in my experience really know their way around the VA system and can guide you to getting assistance through the VA.

In the meantime, since you have Medicare, ask your ortho doctor (who I assume is performing the fusion surgery), about a script for rehab post surgery. Then, assuming you get that through a rehab facility, ask the facility doctor (or social worker, who can facilitate as well) a script for in-home post rehab care.

You won't get that much - perhaps a nurse 2 - 3x weekly, probably PT and OT, a bath aide, and another social worker if you want one.

But it'll give you time to find out how and apply to the VA for longer term home care.

Good luck.

BTW, is the bone fusion a result of any military service?
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Afterthought - your current doctor, private or VA, can help with equipment. Medicare will pay for some DME (durable medical equipment) with a doctor's script. Try that before even considering buying something out of pocket.
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