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Michele1975, welcome to the forum. Could you give us a bit more information. Such as what is a "sw"? And what type of service are you referring?

For the binder, are you asking what type of information one should put into a binder which relatives can easily find once you are near death?
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sw = single woman? social worker?
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What is the question?
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I took it as Single Woman. I think Frequent may be on the right track. Maybe OP is talking about where the important papers should go.

Me, I have a file cabinet. Everything has its own file. Important papers, are my and DHs marriage, birth certificates and passports. Our investments are another folder. Mortgage and deeds another. Car titles another. Will and POAs another. My girls are aware where the info is. My Mom, she has a pouch that I had her put all her important papers in so I could just grab it when needed.

Its how ever is easiest for you.
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