
When he pees in bottles it's so bad that the smell has trapped in the air conditioning when the air is on and doesn't want anyone to turn the air off, the smell also traps in our clothes and it's embarrassing when I go to work and have his smell on me. What can I do? pls help

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You live with your uncle? He is mentally ill. He needs to be someplace where they can evaluate him, prescribe medication and possibly place him in a facility. If he is refusing to bathe and is urinating in bottles, he needs help, and he needs it right now. Call your local Adult Protective Services and have them come out or send the local police out to do a well-check.
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Territ, how did you wind up living with your Uncle and why? What are his medical issues, if any? Curious why he isn't using the bathroom? More information would help us decide what will be the best approach.
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Why is he using bottles?? He's only 50? Why r u living with him, r u his caretaker? How long has he been doing this? U need to take him to the doctor for the infection and go from there. Make sure u tell the doctor all of this too. Early onset dementia may be ruled out. So its important u take him to a doctor and try to note small things as well u have noticed in his behavior. It'll help the doctor
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