
I need help with getting a prescription for home aide. My mother's doctor is out of the country for the next month. She has been having meltdowns, refusing to change her diaper, refusing to do anything for herself, fighting me on everything, and has been as cold as ice towards me for 13 years. She has burned me every chance she gets. She had a social worker show up at my house because of the crazy things she says about me. It's that bad and she has cost me a couple of relationships. She is toxic and I can't get her hooks out of my back. I've tried everything, now I'm done. She refuses to leave, refused Medicaid, I'm certain her only goal is to make me miserable. I have to have someone else come in and deal with her. Who can I call to make a house visit?

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Call 911 and insist they take her to the ER because she is a danger to herself (refusing help, mental issues and possibility of disease or sores from wearing urine-soaked diapers). Refuse to let her be dismissed into your care, and they will have to find a place for her.

The last thing you need is home care. That perpetuates her living in your home, and you’re burnt out. The best thing for both of you is for her to go to a facility where they know how to deal with patients this sick.
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Call 911 and have her taken to the ER. If her behavior has changed, she may be starting another UTI. These can turn septic quickly.

Talk to the social workers at the hospital. Tell them that you will no longer need living with her to provide care and that she requires placement.
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Your mother is only 45, according to your profile, so you must be close to age 20. It’s not clear what you want – A ‘prescription’ for medication? Or what other reason for a Nurse/Doctor visit? No-one is going to come in and remove your mother just because she is nasty. If she is violent, call 911.

There is a lot of information on the site about removing people from your home (briefly, start an eviction notice), or refusing to take them back from hospital (refuse, don’t get talked into it by a social worker, tell the social worker to find a placement). It would help if you could search for some of the existing information. Click on Care Topics on the top right of the screen, use the magnifying glass to search, get your head around the basics, and then ask again for suggestions.
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Your Mom is only 45. Why in the world is she living with you? Or are you living with HER?

IF she is living with you, evict her.
IF you are living with her, leave.
IF you are underage call Child Protective Services.
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If you actually get a prescription for a home aid please let us all know how you got this fantasy. And good luck on finding an aid who will accept a psychiatric client. You need to call 911. Without the details look up the Baker Act in your state. If you use that term, the ER should not automatically send her home. Your next step is to speak to the hospital social worker that she is a danger to herself and her safety. That should trigger sending her for psychiatric treatment. From there, refuse to take her back. The state should then handle her affairs through the courts.
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Do you know something about this that isn’t set out in the question and OP’s profile? This is a new poster who is not getting along with a 45 year old mother and wants someone else to fix it. No information about whose house it is. Yes it could be a real emergency with an overloaded teenager, but quite possibly not?
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What are do you live in? I know of Home visiting providers in Maryland
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