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If finances are tight, feminine hygiene products might work for your mother. These are substantially cheaper than depends but might have to be changed more often. If she's on a supplemental insurance plan, medicare or medicaide, these might be covered - contact them to find out. In some states these are NOT covered so you might have to bite the bullet and pay for them out of pocket. You might also contact your local Area Agency on Aging to find out if there's any assistance through one of their programs or charities in your area. I hate to sound negative but these are big business - just like babies disposable diapers so you're not likely to find a free source.
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I know for a fact that medicare doesnt cover this. I have been searching for quite some months and have no found any help on it financially. what i do know is that CVS pharmacy has their own brand and its about $2 cheaper than depends. but thats here in my state of VA. Keep your receipt. These things are tax deductible!!
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Use the pads inside the depends, that sometimes saves on pullons costs.
Also, join and occasionally ask for free depends or pads. Sometimes folks are moving to another brand or to larger size and might have extras. I had an extra package of something that didn't work, but cut them in half and used them as additional padding in back for nights.
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I your family member on Medicaid...if so Medicaid will cover the cost of diapers, gloves, and pads....
Medicare does not....which is a total shame....
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I need pads Roxie where do I get them on Medicaid?
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I have limited info on this, but I know that when my cousin needed them, the facility had to have a doctor's prescription that showed she was incontinent and needed the adult diapers.
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I buy store brand adult underwear (Mom likes the Walgreens brand) and we line the undies with an ADDITIONAL super absorbent maxi pad (prefers Dollar General brand for value and absorbency). Some nights she is drier than others so only the pad needs replacing which allows her another night to reuse the adult underwear. Much cheaper than tossing expensive underwear our every night. She's good about "airing out" the underwear -- in the window!!! Luckily our tree lined yard prevents this view. It brings a good chuckle each day! Making memories here!! Remember when grandma did,................................. ;)
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My mother in laws case worker told me to call Shield Healthcare. 1-800-720-7440 If she has Medicaid, you should be able to get them free of charge. Needs a prescription from her PCP. I haven't tried getting them since she is in a care facility, but like the Walmart brand. Much cheaper than name brand.
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We have a Senior Center nearby that runs a charity shop, which almost Alway has packages of depends, disposable pads and other adult personal hygiene products on the shelf, probably left over fron a caregivers stock when their loved ones have passed on. While not free, are much much cheaper than buying at the drugstore. My husband gets most of his wardrobe there, as he is a Dockers and plaid button down type of guy, and they are loaded with that kind of clothes. I always think it's a perfect place to buy for your Senior, who might be in a nursing home and/or on a budget, as there clothing is always a good price, say 3-4 dollars and always in great shape! Check them out! Also, maybe try putting an ad on Craigslist in the In search of section, We picked up a perfect walker, and bath seat for my FIL there.
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