
So my father was admitted to a care facility and they cause his wrongful death. He was there for 3 month got multiple bed sore everywhere including his penis and had a UTI on top of that. So my step mother was told multiple time to get him out from family and the facility even told her due to breach of contract my dad had gotten. Seems like he was ready also they were taking picture the whole time the lawyer was saying. My father had mental disorders as well and took medication so I feel my step mom was his care giver at the time and knew what was going on and the risks that came with what was happening. I want to know if at all possible can I sue my step mother for neglect abandonment and possibly fraud?

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Sorry for your loss.

Your message is a little confusing.

I don't think you would be successful suing your step-mom unless you have proof that she did something specific to your dad. I don't understand what you think she did wrong.

The care facility - what did they do wrong? The bedsores are disturbing but do happen sometimes, even with excellent care.

Breach of contract? What did the contract call for?

Even if there was some wrong doing, law suits are very challenging, time consuming and costly. Unless you have a solid case, you might be better served spending your time trying to accept that things may not have been perfect but the emotional and mental cost of legal action is a lot to put on yourself. I would focus on dealing with your loss and healing from that instead, IMHO.
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I am so sorry that your father died, and you think it's your step-mothers fault. In your profile you state that your father had cancer. Was he terminal? You also say in your post that your father died of an overdose. How is that your step-mothers fault? If anything that would be on the facility, and you would have to have solid proof that that was the cause of his death, to proceed with any type of law suit.

I hope in time, when you've had time to mourn the loss of your father, you will be able to see things more clearly, and then if necessary you can proceed with any legal proceedings. Wishing you peace and comfort in the days ahead.
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No. It is almost certainly not possible to win such a suit at law.
If you need to convince yourself of that you may want to go to some Lawyers to get their advice. I am not a Lawyer, so taking the advice of real counsel would be wise.
I encourage you to move on with your own life now. If your first step is to convince yourself that there is no punishment to be meted out to your stepmom, then let that be so. Then move on with your life.
I wish you the best and am so sorry for your loss and your grief.
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As a lay person ur Mom probably felt the facility and doctor knew what they were doing. Are you sure that the sores weren't Kennedy Ulcers. These come about before death. You sure Dad was not on comfort care and was being given Morphine for the pain. Were you involved with his care meaning the doctor spoke to u?
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I am so sorry for your loss and his suffering.
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