
Help my grandson get a computer, car and car repairs, he paid the computer down to $800. He said he would give me $400.00 a month until it was paid off. The last money he gave me was $300.00 in May. It has been 6 months now and he hasn't paid anymore. He let it be known that it was smart to use someone else's money to get what he wants. I have called him numerous times and have had no response from him. He's 25 years old.

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Small claims court. Hopefully you have receipts for proof.
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Did you have him sign a note? Who are you hearing "he's letting it be known" from? Send him a certified letter, reviewing the terms of the "loan" with a CC to your lawyer. You really probably have no recourse, but it's worth a shot. Don't lend money to ANYONE unless they sign a note.
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you are 25 and have a grandson old enough to drive? I'm guessing HE is 25? Have you talked to his parents? I;m guessing you are screwed also... But maybe they can help? Keep records for the future, and he is out of the will!
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Make certain that he gets nothing from you ever again.
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Wouldn't it be great if you reprocess his computer and his car for non-payment. Bet he would start paying real quick.
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dont feel too bad . im 56 yrs old and let my youngest skin me out of about 3 k on a motorcycle he never cared to pay for . never lend money to someone unless you can stand good for it and if its a relative just count on it being a gift from the start , then you dont feel do deceived when it isnt repaid . jake stuck with me thru a midlife divorce and helped me build another home . he was paid wages for every moment of the work but in hindsight he was still indispensable and probably worth the lost 3 k .
id suggest seeing if your b*stard g son would help you by working off some of the money at a specified hourly wage . he likely has a drug habit and still needs money . pay him 5 bucks an hour and knock off another 5 towards the debt .
if ( when ) my son shows up here again thats exactly whats going to happen to him . hes going to make laughable wages until that debt is at least partially atoned .
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It sounds as if it's the rumour about his smart-arsed remarks that has most upset you. Silly, ungracious little boy with an awful lot to learn… if, indeed, that is what he said and is also what he meant.

But don't listen to rumours. If you know where he lives, get hold of him and present him with a statement showing what he owes and when you want instalments paid. If you find he really can't pay, give him a flea in his ear and insist on the very least he owes you: namely, a full explanation of what he's got to say for himself.

You love this kid or you wouldn't have agreed to fund him. Now you can really help him by teaching him to respect the value of money. Don't be shy, it's just tough love - we all need a dose of it sometimes.

You're not getting into financial difficulties because of this yourself, are you? Just checking.
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One thing I learned years ago. When you lend someone money, consider it a gift. Otherwise don't lend it at all. I know many who pay back debts but it sounds as if your grandson is not one of those. Never give him anything again.
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Maybe when he grows up a little more you might see some of that money repaid but it's been 6 months and he's laughing at his good fortune? Kiss that money goodbye.
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