
Mom My mother was demon and competent And once she was , I had a doctor's note saying that I Been her caregiver for the last seven years and one told her death I had done everything I had done everything that social services had asked of me to do except give them the name of a home Facility?
That I would use to get any products or anything that I needed to take care of her And that would be whom that my check would be payable from, my mom passed away Before I submitted what company I wanted to use because her health decline rapidly i put this process aside because mom was failing fast.when I called social service Let them know that my mom passed away.They told me that it null and avoids me getting paid for being her care giver, is this true? And how it doesn't change the fact I had to give up my career and my way to support myself to take care of her

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No one on earth can appoint you as a caretaker of someone you do not wish to take care of.
I am so very sorry but I honestly tried and I don't understand this.
English may be your second language?
Could you ask the social worker to help you re-write this for us here in comments?
That may help us give you some advice. But basically if you are working with a social worker I would bet she/he is the one with the best guidance for you. We are just a bunch of a strangers without a clue as to what's happening.
Best of luck to you.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Smurphyoct31 Apr 29, 2024
That was supposed to say she was deemed incompetent. Thanks for being such a supportive group member on such a sensitive topic. Hope the people in your life show you the same compassion when you need help. Have a blessed day :)
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I think you need to go in person to social services, bring all of your documentation with you including the doctors note and anything else you can find and ask them if you can get paid. If you don't have any success, you can try to hire a lawyer, but I'm not sure if that would be worth it or not (it depends on the amount of money you think you are owed). I'm sorry for your loss, hopefully this helps, and have a blessed day.
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Reply to mstrbill

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Reply to Geaton777

You are trying to get paid by Medicaid in your state, retroactively for 7 years, for being your mom's caregiver? But after she passed away, Medicaid told you they would not pay you, is that what you are trying to say here?

I don't understand why you weren't being paid all along? And why you didn't question this until mom passed?

Unfortunately, your post is very confusing and hard to make sense of. Nobody is trying to be insensitive.....just trying to make sense of what you are asking.

My condolences on the loss of your dear mom.
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Reply to lealonnie1

So for 7 years you could not provide the name of a home facility? Choices have consequences.
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Reply to Isthisrealyreal

Social Security has nothing to do with you becoming Moms caregiver. You may have been made her payee.

Social Services means Medicaid "in home". This means an application. Mom needs to meet asset and income caps. You had to provide bank statements and other info. It takes a while to get excepted. So, in the meantime your Mom passes before she was excepted? If so, then yes, you cannot get paid for caring for her or get the supplies paid for. Not sure if there would have been retro pay?

So sorry for your loss.
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Reply to JoAnn29

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