
He has a one track mind. And is not taking care of the household an his pets. IMO I do not believe that he would pass a competence test. Thank you.

POA is not usually in effect unless the person has been declared incompetent and not able to make informed decisions. You will need a doctor to place this diagnosis in writing. At that point, Dad cannot marry because he cannot legally sign a contract.

Curious, who does he want to marry? Does thisvperson realize that he may have Dementia and if they marry, his caring will be their responsibility.

My nephew has physical and nuerological problems. When he was young, an older woman took advantage of him financially. He was considered competent, so I had limited control. I was his payee for an annuity and his deceased Moms money was in a trust I controlled. The only money he had was what he made at ARC, a workshop for the disabled. He lived with my Mom so didn't need much. She told me that they were getting married. I said fine but you do know that his annuity and especially his Trust he cannot get to, I am in charge of them. After that, she started to back off from their "relationship".
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Reply to JoAnn29


"There has to be a court order stating that the ward (person with alleged dementia) cannot enter into a marriage contract. Because of that low threshold, there is nothing barring someone with dementia or Alzheimer's from getting married"

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Reply to Geaton777

Can't judge when & in what form true love will arrive BUT..
What is the new Bride-to-be like?

Is it his first love? Now widowed & free after all these years.. Just located?

Or his 26 year old house cleaner? With 4 children.. needing residency?

If the POA is active.. how about the POA let the Bride know a legal pre-nup is being drawn up.. see if she sticks around or puts her running shoes on?
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Reply to Beatty
Blackmonlori819 Sep 9, 2024
keep in mind this is for a friend of mine. He is my neighbor. He was married twice before and both wives passed away.
He just met this lady 2 months ago and she is a widow (3) times now I believe. So it can be companionship, love, IDK. But just wanting to know how to watch out for him. As we care about him … like a father. I have been there with him at every ER visit, car accident, when he had Covid. I took care of him. So just concerned.
It all depends upon competency and that isn't a question for "in my opinion".
As long as he is not judged incompetent by several letters by examining MDs, your POA is worthless. He can do as he pleases.

If you believe he is seriously incompetent and he refuses examination you can feel free to contact APS and report him as a danger to self and/or others. This may get APS to open a case. If they however decide he is competent in his own decisions, that will be that.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Blackmonlori819 Sep 8, 2024
Thank you. This is for a friend. I will pass the information on to him.
I really had no clue. Does he have to go to a psychiatrist/ psychologists or neurologist?
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