
They say I am trying to get rid of her?

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You don't give a lot to go on. How old are both of you? How many kids and how old are they? What is your wife's chief health issue?

A meeting of minds on this is needed. This is obviously a blended family and that can be touchy.

Try to arrange a family talk and get it all out there on the table. If your wife is requiring far more care than you can provide, in home care is possible. OR, let the kids take up the "slack". That would probably be the best idea, let them see upfront how difficult CG can be.

Honestly, until we know more, I don't think you'll get a lot of advice.

Come back with more info and people can really help.
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Get advice from professionals like her doctor and your doctor as to the effect of care giving on you. If the professionals believe she would be better off in a facility her kids may accept it better. As midkid says - more information would be helpful for us to craft an appropriate response.
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Yes knowing your ages and the extent of her illness would help. Also, do you have POA?

Have the kids spent time with her? Do they see you struggle to care for her? People who have never done caregiving have no idea what is involved. It seems sort of romantic "I will care for you to the day you pass and enjoy every minute". Unaware that you have to bathe person who outweighs you and can be dead weight. That you try to dress and the person isn't helping. That you worry, do the get enough water. Will they fall and end up in the hospital again, that they get violent and hit. That ur lonely because they can't carry on a conversation. You r isolated. That you are old too and its just so overwhelming.
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